Tree of Savior Forum

New Swordsman class leaked?! WTF?! Samurai?

This information just got leaked from a KTOS closed server tester contracted by IMC. Due to his NDA with them, his identity has to remain anonymous. These are the details he’s given us so far…

Samurai skills seem to include mostly sword based buffs.

Final Strike is an attack that makes you dash forward, just past an enemy that you’re targeting. Deals 300% auto attack damage with a 1m cooldown. leveling this up makes it a little stronger and increases the range.

Show Down is a buff that doubles your auto attack speed with swords for 10 seconds, 45 second cooldown. +2 Seconds per level.

Iron Will is a buff that basically acts like a toggle. Activating it turns it on or off, has no cost and no duration or cooldown. While active you lose 50-250 SP per hit (based on skill level) and the amount you lose gets added onto your earth property attack. I’m pretty sure this applies to all lines of damage.

Lastly Susano-O is a buff that gives you an amount of ghost armor equel to your magic defence, and magic defence equel to your physical defence (confusing IK.) Lasts 20 seconds + 5 seconds per additional level. 90sec cooldown.

The last and best thing about samurai is an attribute called wakizashi that when turned on lets you wield a sword in your off hand weapon slot. Another attribute that idk the name of gives 2h swords +30% damage buff also.


Wakizashi is a dagger though.

is it? idk about that

tanto is a dagger. wakizashi is most similar to a short sword. thus this means thanks to weilding shorter 1h swords, this class allows for dual weild swords.

unfortunately being a 1hit skill and several auto attack based buffs, this leak (or i guess prediction, as no official leak according to last 2 lines of the post) doesn’t look very promising for more damage on swordsman’s part :frowning:


Short Sword actually.

EDIT x2: Yusei beat me to it

I suspect something like a temporary weap

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we all can dream right?

I can’t believe lol , impossible

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Since we have Naruto-Shinobi, i was hoping for the Sasuke class on Samurai, considering it has Susano-o skill. Maybe a Shidori or Amaterasu skill would be kewl.

Uh… This class actually sounds like a blast to my little ASPD-melee loving arse. Bring it. :heart:.:heart:

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Looks like I’ll be a Ninja Samurai Pirate (WTF??) If this is true.





Fencing pirate samurai here. My mama was French, my daddy was Japanese, and I had a bad childhood? X3


If it’s true, is it a rank 8 class?

OP added a lil ps. at the bottom about this being a joke idea. removed it later for some reason.

:disappointed_relieved: I would really like to see a samurai class.

That moment where you doubt who is the troll, OP or you, lol! I hope it’s you, if not that is disappointing. Sounded so fun.

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