Tree of Savior Forum

New Swordsman class leaked?! WTF?! Samurai?

look at OP, last post edit 10:29pm est. if you read my first comment i say “(or i guess prediction, as no official leak according to last 2 lines of the post)” which happened before that time marker.

but all is fine if we get a link to the actual leak if there is one.

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Me thinks its a bait…

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Lol continue with you’re con-spr alt haha

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eh, i kinda hope this isn’t a bait post myself.

i want to see if it really is linked information but innaccurate translations.
dual wielding 1h swords theoretically works, but atm we dont have equipment that beats property attack offhand except for catacombs blade, trinity sword, and maybe a few others. however, this changes if DWA (and hexen for that matter) is included to work with 1h offhand sword instead of the tooltip dagger. also, 1 damage skill is a bit lacking, and 1 hit even though its 300% scaling isn’t great. the additional property attack sounds interesting and could add a bit of decent damage, but the spr cost is a little too unreal to be considered accurate translation (eh but i guess this is the same game makers still). the huge plus to this info though would be that 30% str attribute for 2h, but wouldnt make the class r8 in power alone.

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If this is theoretically real in-game having both slots as swords would make the wakzashi look the same as the mainhand katana unless you resize it, hence the dagger slot.

A wakizashi’s in-between the size of a gladius and the combat knife to begin with, and mostly only used to cut your own guts. It’s considered a short sword still, but if this is ever ingame having 2 swords wouldn’t make the offhand a wakizashi.

Also, Samurai’s better off in the archer tree. Before Tokugawa novelized them to be these flawless swordsmen they were expert bowmen and spear-users. It could have been like Survival/Melee Hunter in WoW (at least, Legion is bringing melee hunter back) using polearms and bows. Nobunaga’s loyalists were no foreigner to muskets too.

I would rather a swordsman that can shoot arrows than an archer that can melee =P


Lol well good bait dude

dat 300% dash skill tho finally alas…

Stop hype me thx <3333333333333333

So…Show Down buff + DoV 10 stacks = attack with speed of light?

Also that Susano-O buff might make it good for tanking…so this class good for DPS and tank altogether

No need to turn this game into Tree of Historical Accuracy. Samurai has been in the swordsman tree in every game I’ve seen, and I’m positive all archers are not going to invest in 7 ranks with a bow/gun only to ditch all that to go melee with a katana at rank 8. Samurai belongs nowhere near the Archer tree in that context.

Archers have a working autoswap, something swordsmen doesn't

Also, with Hackapells datamined with skills with Saber, it’s not farfetched to have a samurai class that can swap in between a 1/2h sword and a bow with their skills. It’s plausible, but the class itself’s just a lucid dream.

Why are you replying with this to me? xD
I know this stuff too. I’m a melee weapons nerd :wink:
(Actually know how to fight with two stance based weapons too.)
BDO did a somewhat good job with Musa/Maewha as they wield Blade and Bow and soon Polearms. I just hope their Scythe turns out good and not another “This weapon is big so it must be slow. Hm~” stupidity. (Scythes are momentum based and thus fast and hard to control god damnit)

Just saw I replied wrong it seems. I wanted to say Yusei beat me to it. That happens when you reply while playing Overwatch…

Wish Hanzo was playable in ToS, or Genji.

Please only with one of the Wolf Skins.

(One of the legendary skins that changes a lot of voice lines and makes me wonder why Genji doesn’t have a counterpart to it)