Tree of Savior Forum

New Skill Information?


I have seen posts of people testing builds on the Re:build and various information on the new scout classes. Is their a location where i can see the new skill data? In IMCs post they reference a lot of deleted skills but i didn’t notice a page on skill information. I am curious as to what has been removed / changed and the reworks on the hidden classes and hopefully oracle.


No English one, just Korean. Us testers translated a lot of stuff, but it is spread through multiple posts (most on general discussion section). Also on the discord.

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Thanks ill take what i can get at very least i will be able to tell what has been removed. Mostly curious about sadhu and zealot, have heard some sad stories about zealot so far.

And hoping they disconnected Chaplin from priest.

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I us sim and goggle translate each skill individually :confused:

it can lead to some interesting wording, but its something :smile:

Hey, that’s great info!