Tree of Savior Forum

New Pyromancer fireball

So the fireball is much bigger, and when it hits an enemy, it just explodes. The skill description still says it does continuous damage, but this is not the case anymore. It only hits once…So yeah, is there something I’m missing?

They just forgot to update the skills description. Before todays update it used to deal alot of hits, now it only deals a single hit.

So it’s still a move that you can throw at stuff. But it will be a small burst of damage as opposed to a dot. In that case, they should have made it a skill shot like flame breath or something. It can be rendered useless if a random monster just runs into it, and the fireball dies from being tapped ONCE. I’m trying to figure out why it’s a 1 hit move now aside from linker making it OP.

It still an object soo it can still be duplicate and be use for a 1 shot burst i suppose i can see some use.
Flare ratio is now 2 time fireball, worth the shot.

It can’t be duplicated, I just tried. Fireball + Micro Dimension is useless now.

Of course it can be duplicated. Maybe you forgot to buy the attribute?

The problem is the fact that Fireball disappears in 1 hit, so it is almost impossible to duplicate in the middle of a battle, where it would be useful.

I tried before reseting, so I had the attribute. Tried several times and it didn’t duplicate. How did you manage to make it work?

Nothing special. Just got the attribute, then Fireball x2 -> Micro Dimension.


All attributes were reset since the update.

Has anything changed with how fireball works with psychic pressure?

No, but Fireballs will die after touching any enemy and then the combo ends. Completely impractical, the same as duplicating.

IMC killed all combos Fireball had.

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Another thread talks about how pyro/linker was sooo overpowered and needed a nerf badly. But I think making fireball have 1 tick of damage after 1 touch was the wrong way to go about it. They could have just lowered the damage. I would have been fine with that. The way fireball is now makes comboing other skills and classes with pyro even less viable, aside from the OP linker option that drove them to this decision.

Hopefully they will change it back to continuous damage.

My dream build was to be a Pyro/Psycho/Linker/Sage. Being a character who had a lot of control of fire, and manipulated it in different ways. Fireball lets you interact pyromancer with other spells. Linking multiple fireballs, then exploding them them with psychic pressure, blowing up multiple fireballs at once as they are linked, rearranging and crushing monsters with kino =)…I guess that won’t happen anymore. The fireballs will die too soon. I’d be fine if they made fireball do less damage as it was. But I guess that was hard to do as linker would still make it powerful. So they just gave it 1 hit so linker wouldn’t break the game.

That was my build.

Yup, dead.

After playing with pyro, it seems fireballs are just fun as landmines, since they last a long duration and cd is only 9. stack them up and bomb mobs down.

My main character was pyro 3 kino 3 sage, at least they gave me some reset vouchers but I’m missing this build a lot.

What would be nice if an attribute was added that let fireballs not explode on contact but last for a shorter duration and then explode afterwards, so that kino/linker/sage/etc can take advantage of them.

Fireball: Stabilized _Fireball will not explode for 15 secs after placement

something like that should work well with other classes

Overheat increased from 2 to 5.

  • Duration set to 60 sec.
  • Up to 5 fireballs can be summoned.
  • If there are 5 fireballs, the oldest fireball will disappear first.
  • Fireballs replicated using Sage’s [Micro Dimension] are different and will not disappear.

Yay, they listened =).