Tree of Savior Forum

New Pyro Chrono DPS/Support Meta

W1 > Pyro 3 > Chrono 3 > Sage 1

Template build for now:

Another variant would be Linker3 instead of Chrono 3.

Fireball x2 -> Pass -> Fireball x2
-> Duplicate the first 4 fireballs 3x (you cant duplicate the duplicates but can duplicate the fireballs that werent produced by microdimension) -> 16 fireballs (or 24 fireballs if you wait for 3rd fireball cd before using microdimension)
-> profit

It seems to me Sage was built mostly for Pyro (or at least based on skill descriptions)

Will be editing this post along the way

Then, the wild swordsman appears and 1 hit your 11 fireballs into oblivion hahahahaha.

Many builds will take sage (or at least 1 rank of it) for the missile hole buff, which is completely awesome.

Looking forwards to see your future edits with your experience.

Swordman will not be able to knocback all the fireball in 1 hit

Not sure how you can end up with 11/12 fireball
(2+2)*2 = 8 Fireball max
Still not sure how exactly Duplicate work but this is the information I think are right
Duplicate can’t duplicate something that already got duplicate (1 can’t become 3)
Duplicate work on a limited number of target (Skill lv or maybe 2 target not sure i might be wrong on this one)

Pyro damage fall off pretty quickly Alone…
Hellbreath melee immunity + Missil hole immunity can be fun.
But honestly, if you whant a viable Offensif Support…
(I’m Pyro3>Chrono3 lv272… Soo it fun but It take me everything to kill 1 batch of mob… and my stuff isn’t bad at all)
Anyway, You might whant to consider Either of those build


Pro: You can adapt it either pyro1-2 and linker1-2 with whatever you whant… Pyro work well with linker and will boost the dps by ALOT…
Linker work also well with sage ultimate dimension to make it a true aoe burst zone. Linker is just … Almost Alway good in a build.


Pro:You got (QC) QuickCast +50% Magic bonus damage attribut and (MM)Magic Missil from Wiz3. QC attribut will alway be good no matter what happen. JoinPenality>HagmentKnot>MM do an absurb burst of damage even on high hp monster (they are suppose to fix it but it still seem strong from the video we got from KToS)
FutureProof (Path of attribut/spell that won’t become useless)

Con: You won’t have Linker2 or Pyro
Your won’t do much vs 1 target

ANYWAY … I might edit it later, but I think that enoug for now… That my own experience after testing what pyro3>chrono3 is.
Feel free to ask question, I will check them and try to answer to it. Or if you have any idee about anything that concern this.

The 1 hit thing was a joke lol.

Duplicate has overheat.

You also can duplicate things that were already duplicated, you just can’t duplicate the duplicates. So you duplicate 4 fireballs, get 4 more - you then duplicate those 4 again to get another 4, but you won’t get duplicates of the duplicate 4.


I think a pyrokinolinkerchrono3 sage build could beat a pyro3chrono3. Joint penalty is really strong on its own, and a dozen exploding fireballs is a lot of AoE damage while a dozen regular fireballs will mostly burn out on 1-2 targets.

That and, I also said if you waited another 15 seconds, you can duplicate 6 fireballs.

I was thinking a variant would be Pyro3 > Linker 3> Sage

How’s firewall damage at 14/15? Do you have it?

I do need more information regarding pyro damage and stuff (as this is somewhat theorycrafting, but then again, my diev doctor post seemed to be meta when I was somewhat theorycrafting that as well).

How does your build look like?

Firewall does not have any damage modifiers at all so it just follows your matk + ele dmg. It bursts somewhat decently on bosses but because of its lack of base damage and hit count vs monster size, it falls off pretty quickly. Mine ticks for about 2k dmg, 80% attribute. For most scenarios, fireball is still your number one dps spell. As for Firewall vs multiple monsters with linker,

Would you recommend maxing it? Whats the trade off for maxing it?

I don’t think there’s any big trade off for maxing Firewall. In fact, I recommend maxing it. Firewall as you can see from the video, is pretty decent at killing normal monsters. With Hangman’s Knot you could probably bring more ticks in.

Of course, some might prefer having 100% Flame Ground uptime at lv10. But it ticks so slowly and doesn’t hit flying enemies. Right now I rarely use Flame Ground outside of bosses.

Pyro3 linker3 here.

Is it decent damage at lv 10 against boss or not worth it.

I guess less firewall for chrono3 and more for linker.

Fireball is better for bosses, provided that melee players don’t knock it away.
Can’t comment on Chrono since I don’t play it

In my opinion, Firewall either needs reduced cooldown or increased duration.

Not saying it isn’t worth investing into… I just wish it was buffed a bit to make it useful even if you don’t have Linker or lots of +AoE Attack Ratio.