Tree of Savior Forum

New Psychokino Builds

So, with the upcoming changes on wizards, how would you guys build a psychokino?

My theory-crafted build will be Wiz-Pyro-Cryo-Psycho3-RC, full INT. Mainly for Psychic Pressure + Fireball + Ice Wall combo. Need some suggestion for Rank 8-9.


If you want to play that, I think you’ll need:
Wiz > Pyro 2 > Cryo 3 > Psycho 3

Pyro 2 else the fireball will explode, the attribute to make it stay for Psychokino combo is Circle2… although I’m not sure how it is after today’s ktest patch, until yesterday fireballs have been buggy only hitting enemies 1 time (and multiple fireballs PP wouldn’t work like in the past)

Cryo 3 for the ice wall duration… Low level ice wall is more likely to be destroyed even before you can finish your combo I believe…

RC… Rune of Ice bonus damage has been changed to just +50% now. You could still get that at R10

Else go for:
Wiz2 > Pyro 2 > Cryo > Psycho 3 > RC or
Wiz > Pyro 2 > Cryo > Psycho 3 > Enchanter 2

i’d test full int
wiz 2 kino 3 sorc 2 shadow 2

Wiz1-Pyro2-Kino3-Sorc1-Shadow2 (probably good)
Wiz2-Kino3-sorc1-FF3 (needs testing)
Wiz1-Pyro3-Kino3-Thaum2 (low funding pyro/kino)

Am going for Wiz > Pyro1 > Kino3 > Sorc2 > Enchant2. Build in video is full SPR with low/mid-low gear, 1.6k matk.

Don’t think it will be a contender for top dps or wb build, but synergy is there. Hybrid styled AA build.

  • Raise makes using Summon skills while riding easy to use and target.
  • Summon can still attack while monsters are CC’ed with Gravity Pole
  • Double aoe with Flame Ground + Heavy Gravity, both with a short cooldown
  • Magnetic Force makes it easy to group for Auto attack with Lightning Hands
  • Cat buff increases number of monsters Lightning hands can hit

Will be good if there is a circle of Cryo in though, wonder what advantages or disadvantages I can get if I replace Pyro with Cryo.

Isn’t the channeling nature of pp, gp, and riding sort of conflicting with the low cd’s on pyro skills?

@Angelized oh… I did not realize the fireball stay attribute is at C2. Definitely need pyro2 then.

@dasdasdas @Terry46 I was thinking shadowmancer as well. While I do believe shadowmancer C2 are suited the best for the build I suggested, I just cannot stand full INT shadowmancer with the mana-hungryness… To me, JUST ME, the only shadowmancer build I can accept is full SPR with thauma3.

@Nekorin hm… Summons attack while your character does CC is a great idea! But I kinda wanna go full INT psychokino. May I ask what is the enchant2 for? Edit: is that a Shadowgaler? It looks like it has such wide AoE range. Would you suggest it over templeshooter or netherbovine? (No way I’m getting marnox or any of those super expansive cards btw)

Can freeze to increase lightning damage (lightning hands and kino skills with ench att) and if you have an Audra, you can switch to create 8 ice wall for PP combo.

@c2gaming.seetoo Yep it does to a certain extend. Fireball+PP is seldom used too due to AA with lightning hands dealing more damage than it. This might change when I get more better gear with higher matk.

Riding wise it isn’t that bad, not all summons have 1sec cooldown 1st skill, and with many of the summons’ AOE being on a 20sec~50sec cooldown, it is better to just ride, use a huge cooldown AOE then dismount and resume attacking.

@gexmnlin13 Yep the summon is Shadowgaler. I prefer Netherbovine though, since I’m actively using it over templeshooter in iToS. Don’t have much choice in ktest as I don’t have many cards, hence I just grab whatever I have on hand that is the best. It still works relatively well as a budget Sorcerer summon imo.

The reason for going enchant2 is for the Enchant Lightning attribute which changes Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole into Lightning damage. This is also the reason why I’m kind of torn between Cryo1 and Pyro1.

One thing about Fireball/Icewall + PP is that PP will take up the attribute of the combined attack, fire for fireball and ice for the icewall shards. I wonder if the lightning attribute still applies at this stage. It is hard to test since enchant lightning grants lightning damage too. Need to find some way to try it out.

@Terry46 Those are good points. Do you think it is good to take cryo over pyro in this case? Does Frosterlord summon + cards with Pyro also provide the same functionality without going Cryo? The level 8 Icewall with gem+Audra is really tempting though. :sob:

Well, probably, but those are really expensive, right?

I will probably go with this build, though my main concern about it is that, I lack higher rank classes. To players with experiences with psychokino, would I be dealing OK damage in higher level content?

Saved 5 points in cryo for snowrolling. Saved 10 points in psycho for heavy gravity.

Pyro2 + Psycho3 is sufficient damage for all mobbing.

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Thanks a bunch. I wonder if that’s a SPR or INT build…

my plan is either wiz1>pyro2>psycho3>thuma3 or wiz1>cryo1>psycho3>thuma3>sorc1.
sorc version might be good, as the summon will dps while you’re using your channeling skills. and thuma 3 for swell brain which scales off spr so you’ll still have decent magic attack for psycho skills. use 3x hydra cards for 30% more damage against frozen enemies - with the new ice pike i can see this working well. the pyro2 version is probably just better, tho.

its not about the low cd’s of pyro skills it’s about sorc2’s riding (since pyro skills are basically cast and forget)

if you ever get the darn gem, that is…

PP is too short for anything but lvl8 icewall (cryo1 + audra+gem).
there are some extremely rare situations where you can stack more icewalls better and hit more targets… too much luck and tedium involved here. oh, and any bit of lag will pwn you.

pyrokino combo currently depends on your fireball damage and only works for one fireball. (despite visuals). so pyrokino pretty much requires agny and pyro3. pyro3 kino3 sage2 becomes the obvious choice, with gazing golem cards. (kino2 mag force into fire pillar, kino3 or wiz2 for surespell…)

new attributes for enchant lightning and PP/grav pole… don’t even require enchanter2. kino enchanter seems like its gonna be a default path for scroll and shopslaves. wiz2 link3 kino2 enchanter2… with frosterlord might become a thing.

–ultimate mob gathering kino… pyro1 kino3 alch2 sage2. homun spamming magnetic force… homun only lasts 10 days though. and you need another alch3 to make it.