Tree of Savior Forum

New Player, SR Questions/Help

Hello everyone, I had a few questions regarding an generic SR farming build if anyone has a moment.

Im doing the usual SR/enchanter atm, im undecided on 3rd circle but thats not my concern in this post, what I wanted to know was;

1: Is there a BiS sword to maximize enchanter’s enchant lightning/lightning hands, I had read the Wastrel Sword did this, is that outdated?

2: I will be pursuing an Asio Pistol Ichor, can this ichor be applied to the new Skiaclipse weapons or only the older Velcoffer weapons, or is Asio Pistol’s effect no longer critical to the build. Im going off old meta information of frieno / asio pistol set abuse for cm/farming.

3: Lastly would be my cards, from what ive read it seems like Velnia Monkey/Biteregina should do, then its basically my choice of Zaura or Nuale right, and then either a stat or 3 gorkas.

Thank you everyone for the assistance.

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  1. wastrel is still powerful as heck, it literally doubles your crit chance, period. with that in hand, you’d have a solid 60% chance to crit anything in game.

  2. I never planned to get and learned anything about legendary weapons so I can’t give you an answer, sorry. but here’s what i experienced myself using asio pistol: if you’re playing SR, get it. if you’re playing BM, don’t. idk why, but Asio procs so often on SR, while on BM, things just straight out dead first before asio can reach it’s 3 stacks. and asio doesn’t care whether you’re playing crit or not. what matters is you hit something a lot and fast to proc the target debuff.

  3. you can also try prison cutter and rajapearl for bleeding not poison. zaura and nuaele is kind of expensive (10 mil-ish per card), so if you can’t afford that, i’d say that armaos is also okay. otherwise if you’re rich, go for zaura as most bosses in-game are dealing physical damage. for the green card… well, you can decide whether you want more power or more loot. personally, I just stick 3 ellaganos in there as I am using a crit build with wastrel

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  1. Basically what the previous person said

  2. Ichors can be applied to other legend gears as well, not just Velcoffer. Asio Pistol’s effect is more noticeable on beefier mobs, as it gives you more chances to stack the debuff and proc the effect. SR benefits a lot from this because of skills such as Retreat Shot, Marching Fire, and Concentrated Fire as they are all fast multi-damage instances over a large mob.

  3. I personally run 3 Moa (Red) , 3 Gorkas (Green), 1-2 Specter Monarch[other can be Stone Whale] + Gazing Golem (Purple). 3 Armaos (Blue).

My Specter Monarch Cards are because I usually do Challenge Mode on Outer14. The narrow hallway is great in condensing mobs for Asio/Frieno procs. If you are having trouble in sustaining mobs here, you can try Outer 15, although mobs spawn are more scattered so you’ll get a longer clear time.

Note: I find that plate armor will provide a great boost in survivability, but if your damage is high enough I recommend going leather, even if it’s just a non-legend set. The extra damage and crit chance make Challenge Modes faster.

Best of luck, fellow grinder. : ]

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Thank you for the replies and feedback, if anyone has a moment could you also give me the tip to retreat shot usage, I have read a variety of different things on ways to use it or to combine it with limacon for example and was unclear how to properly use it.

Atm I basically just AA everything unless its a large group, I then retreat shot against a wall or in a circle, and use carcole/marching for bosses while AA’ng, thank you.

You can use your AA via Limacon while Retreat shot is active

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Sorry for the follow up but to be certain, b/c its still new to me, when im using retreat shot I am firing backwards.

Now when I AA via limacon does that AA fire forwards opposite the direction of my retreat shot targets or does that AA travel backwards with the current retreat shot stream, thank you for the help.

this. I still have zero idea how to properly do this. when I do retreat shot + Limacon and AA when the ‘buff’ is active, I only deal the Limacon damage as opposed to retreat shot damage.
so with that said, I usually just use marching fire, and spin around to aggro mobs, then after i aggro enough mobs, i just activate retreat shot and go to a nearby wall to see things drop dead. or maybe you can use provoke to gather mobs if you’re an outlaw for example. or again, just walk around in areas that have aggressive monsters such as irredian…

The AA via Limacon + Retreat Shot can be more noticeable when fighting bosses on Challenge Mode.

Just hug a wall Auto Attacking and you will see that you can dish out more damage. Don’t mind the animation. Retreat shot will always fire backwards of your direction. When I’m not hugging a wall, I usually circle around the boss to create the same effect.

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Ermmmm basically

  1. move towards a “wall”

  2. retreat shot active so your shooting behind you

  3. limacon active and just hold down Sub weapon attack

Limacon AA animation during Retreat shot is kinda “hidden”, but if you pay attention you should notice more dmg lines (from Limacon AA) in between with Retreat shot lines

If it helps, have target lock on. So even id you walk away from your target for Retreat shot, you should still be able to hit your AA Limacon-ing it

okay, now that i tried it on irredian bosses, i found a way to kind of do this reliably… with some huge risk. you just go inside the boss circle, and start shooting with retreat shot and limacon AA while running within that very circle. amiss dog will potentially 2 hit kill you if you mess up though so be careful about that.
also, if i’m doing it wrong or if there’s a less riskier way to do it, please tell me how…

You can use fixed Ichors (weapon and armor with specific stats and effects) in any legendary weapon, Velcoffer, Savinose and Varnas (skiaclipse weapon), and also add an identified ichor (Ichor from equipment that you have to identify) on Velcoffer and Varnas, so this 2 can have 2 ichors, while Savinose only can have a fixed ichor like asio o wastrel

Since you’re going for enchanter, you should go full cancer and use Froster Lord cards ([★/2]% chance per attack dealt of applying Frostbite to an enemy for 4 sec) so you freeze the mob and do more damage with the lighting hands buff

I settled on Corsair for my last circle, Brutality and Jolly Roger really compliment the build and match my low button, easy play style. Overall I basically just rotate 2 skills in CMs and abuse Frieno/Asio procs to do all the work and then just AA in open field to farm, with a Legendary Helga Card I can turn Limacon’s spread attribute on and not lose SP so its really nice.

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let me tell you one nice thing you can expect for.
in kToS, brutality got buffed from 20% increase to a whopping 40% increase. and jolly roger will also buff magic damage along with brutality buff. I must say, you pick the right choice there. now you just have to wait for re:SFR patch to drop on itos.

When you move through mobs, for example in a DG run, Limacon is in front and RS on your rear. I like RS to finish off mobs that escaped limacon when i run past them, saves the time to turn around.

Yep, im pretty comfortable now, nowhere near as fluid as people like RandyBK or TeamBlack but I have my cm stages down to like 50 seconds per and can comfortably solo everything.

Glad to hear Brutality is getting buffed, Corsair just made the most sense to me b/c tbh to me anyways SR already has everything you need for a rotation, I didnt need more buttons, 1 30min buff that buffs everything I do and the flag for when I need more dmg was plenty.

My results maybe skewed b/c I was gifted a frieno set by a friend who no longer plays, so I have the frieno and asio pistol procs going on big packs but to me SR seems pretty good.

Isn’t Frostbite currently just a glorified slow? It used to freeze, then nerfed to just frostbite, then nerfed again to remove interaction with lightning element.

I cant speak to frostbite but x3 Velnia Monkey and x3 Biteregina work very well for me.

Overall I run;

3 Velnia Monkey
3 Biteregina
3 Zaura
3 Gorkas

(L) Demon Lord Helgascale

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