Tree of Savior Forum

New Player need help on cryo build :>

Just wondering if
Cryo > Omn > Taoist works

the thing over Cryo is that u have the CC but u get all the potential from it when u bump up it whit Kino, Onmy is a pretty stand alone class, fit greatly whit any class but u get the max damage posible from it when u get ele - pyro, the tao needs a damage dealer like Ele too, and cuz the relation of Ele <-> pyro u don’t mind about to make them whit other class, but, if u really wanna do crio, best selections are:

  1. Kino (the bread and butter u could say)
  2. Sage (more CC 7u7)
  3. Rune (more damage from Ice habilites)
  4. Ele (synergy from ice habilites and Damage dealer)
  5. /meme/ the terramancer (cuz if u have an gigant iceball u need a sturdy rock ball)
  6. Onmy cuz what i say before, stand alone class who fits on everything
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Cryo - Ele - Tao for PVE (challenge mode)
Cryo - Kino - Onmy for PVP (control dps build)
Cryo - Kino - Chrono for PVP (pure cc build)

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