Tree of Savior Forum

New Player - Need Feedback With Wizard Builds

Hi everyone!

Please provide feedback regarding these two builds I’m leaning towards. Keep in mind that I’ve never played any of the betas before. I made my decisions based off of what I’ve read from this forum.

I feel that these two builds would suit my mostly solo playstyle with the occasional parties for dungeons and zone bosses. I really like playing as a mage and for this reason, I’ve ignored all the other classes. :wink:

Build #1: This was based off of a Cryo3Psy3 concept. It takes advantage of the many control skills available to Cryomancer and Psychokino. I’m probably going to make this one a tanky mage by investing 1:1 in con:int. The damage output doesn’t bother me since this is more control-focused rather than damage.

Build #2. This second build uses Wiz3Cryo1Sorc1Nec2. The idea behind it was to make a mobile minion-based mage that utilizes the freezing effects from Cryomancer to provide a little bit of crowd control when needed. I took Wiz3 for Magic Missle and Quick Cast to providing extra damage and cast speed for a just few spells from Cryo, Sorc, and Necro. Apparently Quick Cast’s damage boost to Flesh Cannon and Flesh Hoop is pretty decent. I’m planning to invest in 1:1 con:int for this one as well.

=========== EDIT #1 ===========

Here is a modified version of Build #2. I took off Nec2 and Wiz3 in favor of Link2 and Sorc3. I kept Cryo1 as a filler because I like it best out of the rank 2 classes. It gives me a little bit of freeze control when needed.

=========== EDIT #2 ===========

Decided to combine the first two builds and came up with this very rough build:

It has minor freeze from Cryo1, some more control and damage from Psy3, and summons from Sorc2. The idea is to CC targets while minions attack them.

=========== EDIT #3 ===========
One last build to throw out there. This makes use of Cryo3Sorc3 for maximum freeze effects + passive damage (aka auto attack) from minions. This won’t have any crowd control from the Psychokino class and I don’t mind spamming mana pots as needed. More direct damage from Familiar, Evocation, and Desmodus. Stat distribution remains as 1con:1int. What do you guys think?

Please let me know what you guys think. I’m pretty flexible with making changes.

=========== EDIT #4 ===========
=========== UPDATE ===========
I decided to pick Cryo3Sorc3 for my first char. We’re not going to be stuck at Rank 7 forever so I picked the class combination I thought would be most enjoyable for me at this point. When future ranks come out, I’m planning to add Warlock into the mix.

Build one is a common pvp build, a lot of them drop 1 rank of psyco or cryo for warlock at 7.

Second build i am strongly opposed to as i find sorc + necro to bad a awful combination. Also many player that continued playing sorc into KOBT say don’t bother if your only going to do sorc 1. Typically rank 2 is recommended to get summon control skills.

Interesting. For Build #2, would you recommend going Sorc3 instead of taking ranks in Warlock?

That is what i typically advise to people looking at the sorc/necro route if they are really into the pet thing.

Edit: You might also want to change your early ranks as wiz c3/c2 do not give much to sorc

Right. I won’t have a use for Wiz3 anymore since I mainly took it to boost Flesh Cannon and Hoop.

What do you think about Evocation and Desmodus? Is Sorc 3 worth getting at this point?

Those came after i tried sorc so i can’t really give you any useful info on them.

I edited my post above to show a third build based off of the second one. I guess I’ll try Sorc3. Desmodus seems to work well with links since it pierces and deals many hits.

Do you know if we could change classes? For instance, when rank 8 comes out and I decide to go Sorc2, Nec2 by changing my rank 7 class, will I be able to do that?

Currently there is no method or item that allows changing of classes.

Alrighty, good to know.

How did you find Sorc2 when you were playing? How do you feel about finding and farming boss cards?

I’m not sure if I could get Temple Shooter right away after unlocking Sorc1. What boss card alternatives would you recommend?

I got temple shooter early because i happened across him before i knew he was the best. but i also just used things i thought looked cool because i am incredibly vain.

Lol. I would pick the coolest-looking one too if I didn’t dig up any info about summons.

I noticed all of the Sorcerer’s boss summons are pitch-black. Is this intentional or is there an option to change how they look?

Thats how they are. They are black with like a cloudy gas around them.

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Decided to combine the two builds and came up with this very rough build abomination :smile::

It has minor freeze from Cryo1, some more control and damage from Psy3, and summons from Sorc2. The idea is to CC targets while minions attack them.

What do you think?

Edit: Added the link to the original post for visibility.


never seen a build like this last one, doesn’t look bad but kino3 seems to sinergyze with Featherfoot.

Cryo3>Sorc2 seems to be good, I’m also not a fan of mixing Sorc and Necro since they are only 1 rank appart and probably only 1 of them will have good sinergy with shadowmancer.

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What’s a shadowmancer? :open_mouth:

a wizard class that we have datamined the costume for, so we know its comming. However we don’t know any skills or a rank yet.

Thanks. Would you go Wiz1Cryo3Kino3 or take 1 circle from either Cryo or Kino to get Warlock1?

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