Tree of Savior Forum

[new meta dps] Warlock 2 v/s Warlock+RuneCaster?

ill test all this week the warlock RC and i like a loot the combo of R.justice+maistema debuff. its look like an awesome filler between the large cd of elementalist also rune of ice is usefull with frozz sphere making it a loot of usefull cd.

i dont test wl2 already but i whant to know what im losing. because i see some stuff like the phantom pain from maistema and dont look somuch usefull. also pole of agony dont scale nice with more level. so what i have to get on wl 2 that wl 1 + rc dont supply ?

who is better and for what

I’m rune caster lover but the truth is: wl2 is more powerful and easily to reach max potential.
Warlock c2 's mastema can over shadow mastema + rune of justice in AoE side, bonus it does not cost 500silver :joy:

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Phantom Pain evolve your mastema from 1 hit skill to DoT skill. It hits pretty hard.
I think those who took Warlock C2 are preparing for Warlock C3. Hoping they will get better DPS Skill.

there is my problem pole of agony diference is 47% by 22 hits. this is a total of 1034% of total damage.

mastema diference is 233.3%… and on every video what i see phantom pain only deal 20k per sec. (i dont know if this is a constant damage.

rune of destruction deal 1300% (twice by the ricochet ) and justice deal 266% x5 hits x 2 with maistema debuff (2660%) on each over hit (2)

i wait for shadowmancer

Why not WL > Sage for Missle Hole? Micro Dim can also help w/ Bosses

its not the point. the meta dps is made to go on a party with crono 3 cryo 3 sage. ( this still been the meta wizz supp) and 2 sage dont work.

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My wl2 friend has… over 100k mastema (1st hit), the DoT is weaker but I dunno how much.
When you face huge number (HUGE, not many, ET clearing-mobs-floor as ex.)
WL1 does not have DoT mastema

Masterma can basicly only oneshot a group of mob with over 250k hp by doing this 20k/sec
Masterma phantom pain = 33% of the base initial hit.

1560% + (520%x24) or 1560% + 12 480% =14 040%
Phantom Pain actually hit 24 Time (Tested on a training doll)
-It an aoe Spell
-It instant cast (You can do something else than chanel many other spell trying to get the same damage meanwhile you are way behind because the Wl2 already cast 2-5 other spell while you finish Justice x 2 + destruction also GL to place justice and the bounce of Destruction is kinda random)
-The spell is soo good people use 2 rank just for it !!!
-It a dark spell, deal a bit less on many dark propriety monster
-the phantom damage is over a good period of time
-the aoe is around the same as flame ground (kinda small) but enoug to hit everything in ice tree
-Can be resit (It really rare) because it a debuff, negating the damage in the process.

For Fun
60k + (20Kx24) = 540k (Only masterma)
That what only 20k does…

but mastema take 20 sec to deal tha amount of damage, if u kill some mob over 20 sec u are screw on ET. if u kill to fast u are losing the phantom pain damage. by the same way the justice combo take 6 sec to deal 5320% of damage (with no lag) with bot over heat and the WL skill have an animation delay that make them more slow that u say

another con by mastema is that its dont stak the debuff so if u have a chrono on your party its almost useless with that skill.

wherever i will test the damage of WL 2 only to check if mastema full deal that sweet 33% of damage per dot. ty for the info

Sure that one con of it but let say 5 sec right ? it a decent time to kill a bunch of mob.

1560% + 3120% = 4680% vs 2 Use of Rune of justice for a total of 5320%

-You need anyway to cast masterma before on those mob otherwise RJ is reduce by 50%
-You need those 6 sec to cast the 2 overheat (2sec + 1sec of animation)
-You need to hit the target… (I don’t even think justice can even hit all mob pull by ice tree)
-The target you hit with both RJ need to be affected by Masterma (No new wave,or not already dead by the time)

Meanwhile the guy going warlock2 still do even more damage with masterma if after those 5 sec those mob aren’t dead.
And he casting he already stacking other spell over masterma.

The chrono argument … Masterma have 37 sec CD how it is useless with a chrono. (Meanwhile Justice have 50sec)

in that case u migth say rune of justice deal 5320%+1273% from mastema. and i think its take 6 sec to doit all with mastema, the animation from R of justices is very fast

also i think i hit every mob on a ice pilar. with rj. ill will try lock 2 to be impartial and u migth try rc if u can. also take in mind the combo of icerune + frezz sphere that deal tons of damage.

well, I think many peoples also forgot Warlock have 10% Dark Damage attribute itself.

Basically all your skill can x1.1 if you maxed the attribute lv10.

but u can take it on lock1 its not a bigg deal at last.

@javier.mendez I think you likely love rune of justice, so you may ignore my advise lolz:

  • I have played RC from the very beginning, the big problems of RC is cast time.
  • Rune of justice not True AoE spell, limit target.
  • Rune of destruction is okay-rank, cosume 500 silver, 65s cooldown. It not True AoE spell too, it has limit target.
    Mastema + Rune of justice is decent considered as a filler skill combine:
    (1) Multi 10 factor with rune of justice’s skill factor.
    (2) The only good situation is boss-fight, surespell cannot prevent CC /knockdown/knockback from boss.
    (3) Get 2 charge/overheat, 50s cooldown, cosume 500 silver.
    (4) Mastema can be resisted.
    All RC skill cast time are 4s atm.

I don’t doubt the animation is really fast
-But there still a delay between 2sec Channeling (With Quickcast) And the casting animation
(Like you said masterma and most spell does have a small casting animation time and RJ isn’t out of it)

Casting Masterma + 2 Rune of Justice probably take around 6-8 sec because you don’t instantly start cast spell back to back.
The point is still there… It took you 6-8 sec to do this combo.

I will repeat myself.
Meanwhile Wl2 Masterma is still doing damage if the mob aren’t dead masterma will quickly out damage RJ combo.
In those 5-7 sec for casting RJ.
You had time to cast Hail/FC and probably something else or close to use something like meteor.

post:11, topic:360830”]
icerune + frezz sphere that deal tons of damage.

I won’t denies it but… It won’t hit everything. And you need to time to cast rune of ice too… Also there other spell to max out other than frozen sphere.

Dont clickbait people that doesnt read the posts, the combo its a nice “gimmick” but the damage itself its pretty low to even consider building around it, i also tested it and at the end warlock still outdps it by itself just because of pole of agony being very good. So please, have more respect for the community and just post it as cool gimmick.

That being said, i loved rune caster more than warlock and wish their skills where buffed, but i dont see it happening. RC has only 2 good skills and for diferent chars, 1 being rune of destruction for AOE’focused wizards, and the other one being rune of ice for cryomemes, rune of destruction, giants and protection are just filler for your points.

i test the mastema already and its look like almost 40% of the damage but another con that i notice is that its not depende of the initial amount of damage. thats mean if u use a pot to proc u chapartiions cards. only the first hit an 1 dot will deal de bonus damage. instead with the combo of justice u can do the 2 cd untill the efects ends.

When a mobile boss runs out of your screen, there’s no way to cancel rune of justice is there? I guess you’d have to consider that because of the setup time of the combo, some bosses make it very hard to set up, and by the time you find a good time to set up, maybe your Ele skills are off CD (and those take priority).

I think a lot of rune caster’s problems would be fixed with removed cast time + lower cooldown for rune of destruction. Runes should have the spells already stored in them and ready for immediate use, not like Ele where you have to channel magic to cast it!

its the same by every deploy/skillshot skill actually its better for rc becaus if u lose 1 over heat u have the other to do the combo

i actually think we should remove quickcast and replace smt else. Then INT will have additional effect in reducing casttime and cast animation.