Tree of Savior Forum

New lvl 315 Practo Accessories for Wiz

Hi all,
so with the new practo accessories coming out, it seems like its perhaps only worth for wizards to get the Rineu Key set.
It is:

Rineu Key set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, matk + 49, int + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, matk + 37, SP + 100, SP Regen + 10

2 pc = matk + 120
3 pc = Every Spell/Magical attack that you do(wizard autos count), increases matk by 2, stacking up to a total of 250 matk.

the other 3 accessory sets can be found in my post here: New lvl 315 Practonium Accessories (info inside)

Discuss and share your ideas about it

The 3pc bonus could be really bad or really good, need more info about it, like the duration of the stacks and if it gives a stack for a spell or for every hit that spell does.

No, i think we have to look at it this way;

these 3 pieces of accesories (braceletx2, neck) will be worn over max pentamion + archmage bangle x2, at first glance considering only the first set bonus MATK 120 it is already a gain over max pentamion+bangle. So i doubt the bonus will be great, as it is too good to be true.

when it uses practo, anything is possible.


what to do with 1/3 practo left from bracelet

share 2 practo with 3 ppl?

There’s no doubt that using 1 practo + getting the other mats to get the 2 bracelets is completely worth it. I just have my doubts about that effect, if it’s not easy to use then the necklace might not be worth it, cause it needs 2 practs + other mats.

i will meke bracelet for sure dunno about neck ;x