Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! Luck of the Anvils

I predict RNGesus for this while total failures on actual equipment…

You just described the true endgame of Tree of Savior.

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Will the Clovers have potential or can we upgrade them til we lose all our silvers?

you must have not that good with reading
read the step 2, it says something about silver

not sure about potential tho …probably do have potential

I like it. It’s just a fun RNG event, with all the other ones going on I don’t mind one like this.

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That’s true…but just want to make sure because of this

until enhancement stage 5 (+5)!

I know it’s after a comma, but this wouldn’t be the first time things wasn’t clear in the initial announcement.

Fine lines yo. Like that time IMC said 3% for pract, dia anvil, and ET vouchers where it most likely was .6% .4% 2%. They can be tricky.

Not as drops, but idea still the same,people are going to wait for next event for those ‘all wanted’ lvl9-10 abrasives.

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“Enhancing the Clover requires no silver” so it’s a whack-a-ton event.

I can already guess what it would feel like when someone fails to get their clover to +25

So basically, for a month, we’ll all be whacking hammers 24/7 in Klai? Given there’s no potential and presumably no silver cost as well. Lmao, I’m excited to see that

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Don’t forget server crashes… everyone loves server crashes.



I’m in the right mood for this!
This morning I had a +8 Manamana with 9 Potential… now I have a +8 Manamana with 4 Potential!!!
I’m sure RNGesus will cover up for me!

Everytime I see that npc’s portrait, I think he’s flipping me off until i count the knuckles…

This is a cute event. I’m looking forward to seeing the plant carnage and leaving my sound muted! :four_leaf_clover: :heart:

Do you need to buy anvils?_?
what happen if you fail
can you use other anvils

as for the question asked,

No, I don’t feel lucky…

luck has nothing to do with me

We clearly needed some more frustrating events after the RNG powered P2W cube, the even more RNG based DPK system. A RNG based event seems the best to fit in the theme.

Just say it, it is a way to cover what you said? That this cube is just for convenience and we can find the items in game so it is not P2W. Smart move once again :champagne:

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Yeah, I’m sure the users of Hooker64 also find this event fun lol.

I find this event silly tbh, why not make that dumb buff be a luck buff for enhancement instead of EXP?

It could improve the enhancement success rate by 15% or something.

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They can’t crash channels anymore so that won’t be a problem.

EXP is a safe option that appeals to most players, while the rewards are more useful for established ones. Everyone gets what they need.


This is IMC’s way of saying “Hey, it’s not P2W, you can get it for free too now”

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Is this event for 1-6. Children day? Come on IMC
Ps: if no silver cost for enhance 4leaf clover, then it worth to take part in the event

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I find this event fun. Exp for those who are still leveling or just collecting those lovely fortune cookies. While end-gamers get to try their luck. :sunny:

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I accept free fortune cookies anytime

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I would love it more if the items didn’t expire :expressionless:

Stop making stuff out of bread @STAFF_Ethan :pensive: