Tree of Savior Forum

New ideas for guild competitions

Lets come up with other ways for guilds to compete besides just guild wars.

I think if they set up a big tournament once in a while were every guild selects a champion would be pretty fun. The champion who wins the tournnament gets some nice swag maybe a sweet costume. And the guild gets some funds and free advertising.
I think it gives smaller guilds a chance to be scene and gain fame.
Obviously this is just a simple on the fly idea I have, but other such events would be fun!

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Maybe something like the old boruta, but without insane rewards? And some other limitations as maybe it could be a short instanced competition between 2 guilds that queue vs eachother, kinda of like the old guild war, but the race is instead to deal the most damage to the boss, while keeping the other guild from damaging it.
The old boruta tried to combine Guild competition with boss killing, but the insane rewards and difference in guild member count and power level made a lot of people angry because the content was essentially just limited to a few guilds.
You could combat this by making a member limit, which could also prevent huge lag from occuring, but this would obviously prevent the entire guild from participating.
I thought it could be fun though, since i liked the combo of pvp and bossing at the same time.
The reward could be titles that last for a week, and maybe some limited costumes, kinda like TBL, but guild-wide instead of personal.


I think this game could use some puzzle based events, maybe each guild sends a group of like 10 or less. they all get sent to a special separated instances and they race to figuring out the special area gimmicks or puzzles that are there.


I dont know why your post was flagged, but puzzle related guild events could be nice, but would require constant updates to not be the same old stuff every time.

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There could be ToS related trivia competitions. For once something that doesn’t depend on guild size to win the prize.

Trivia competitions could be fun, but not neccesarily that tied to your guild.
Guilds can also host their own personal trivia quizzes if they want, provided they have a lore master in charge of player-driven events :haha:

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I think a big problem is also the big guilds don’t try to foster the community much.

Idea: A Puzzle Maker where the guilds would have a time limit to build a course and must be able to complete it in less than 3min, so opposite guilds will compete to see witch one will solve the enemy guild puzzle first. Would need some restrictions so it makes possible, like limited pieces(like levers, gates, keys, traps, etc, excepts walls/vanity) and turning off skills. The idea is still fresh so i did not think on possible rewards, but its a thing that would explore competition more on the Social area.


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