Tree of Savior Forum

New Farm build with sorcerer?

Since my main char (with all my attribute points) are wizz3-ele3-rc-onm2, I’m creating a new farm wizard but I can’t decide which build to try… I’m not with much money to invest right now so a I do want a cheap build.

Some said that wizz3-linker3-thauma3 or wizz2-thauma3-linker3-RC would be the most cheaper, but I dont know if just using magic missile and earthquake would kill all mobs in HG 340, so I’m considering a “new” build.

The “new” build would be: wizard 2-linker2-thauma3- sorc2, I would let my summon in one side (near me of course) and I would be linking other mobs in the opposite side (so the summon would not break my link too easy) and when I kill those mobs, I would run to my summon and let he “protect” me until my skills are available again, rinse and repeat.

This build would work? I used to use some similar build when shadowmancer came, but was wizz1-cryo3-sorc2-linker1-shadow2 and it work really nice, but that time I used to have more offensive skills tho, so I’m considering sorcerer again to farm, but with less offensive skills (much less skills :frowning: ).

the problem with link/sorc build is the auto attack of summons. good positioning is difficult since both monsters and summon are moving. if you can link-knot-swell before the summon attack and of course damage of pet > hp of swelled monsters then it’s viable.

Yeah, I know that stuff of positioning the summon, but if I manage to positioning the summon right, could it work nicely, right? Like I think/said: put the summon at one side of map and I would be linking at the opposite side but not too far… Or something like that.
I’m considering sorcerer cuz I can control the boss summon better then necro’s summons and I can have a good damage dealer since I’ll be full SPR (I’ll not use salmion).

You want to be Sorc2 for the Hold skill, but not ride and not use Salamion? That… is a total waste, really. Also good luck making your strategy work; I’m Wiz1-Cryo1-Linker2-Sorc2-Necro3, but even before I hit Necro, it was absolutely impossible to use Linker without my summon breaking the link. And no, I don’t mean Salamion. If you want to use a summon as a tank, you need to keep it closer - too close to ensure that it won’t break the link.

The thing is, your build IS viable. It’s actually a pretty good build in my eyes and I considered something similiar before. Just your strategy won’t work. You can’t always control where your links go (especially with JP at 15), you cannot stop the monsters from moving as you need to wait a second before using Hangman’s Knot and if you want your summon to protect you, you also cannot fully control your summon by placing it too far away.

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My problem with this build is it may not kill mobs fast enough right after swell, well you can (maybe) but investment on weapon and a good card is necessary.

Not just hold, I’ll use ride and summon skills too to taunt some mobs to him, and I’m not with much money to invest in a character too expensive like shadow or sage (they have really expensive passives :sad: ).

Salmion it’s not that strong to be my main damage summon so I could not use him that much as I’ll use summoning.

In my mind, my strategy will work, but when I put that strategy to work… I don’t know if it’ll be as good as it’s in my mind :laughing:

Yeah, I already know that this build could not kill them fast enough, but I have a guild friend that kills everything in HG 340 with wizz3-linker3-thauma3 (+12 HoG and missile and earthquake passives lv80), so I thought that with sorc would work better cuz you’ll not be without “skills” since you can run to your summon when all your skills will be in CD…

Sorc is indeed a rather cheap class, that is for sure! Not as cheap as Wiz3-Linker3-Thaum3 or Wiz2-Linker3-Thaum3-RC, but pretty cheap. (Unless you need Marnox, I just spent my hard-earned, long-saved 55mil on him…)

Salamion is an excellent tank that can save you from death. Depending on your main summon, Salamion might do a way better job at getting enemies away from you and acting as a meatshield. Templeshooter, for example, will do absolutely nothing to protect you and, as a ranged summon, stay far far away and watch you die instead of tanking for you. If you are not a Necro, relying big time on your summons will NOT work. Especially if you don’t use Salamion. Simply because you only have one summon who can be an alternative target. I am Necro3 and I have to run through ALL my summons (all the Skeletons, Shoggoth, Salamion and big summon) sometimes several times until they have done enough damage to draw the aggro from my pursuers. You will only have one summon.
Let’s face it: Templeshooter has long range, but rather poor AoE, he will have issues drawing enough enemies away from you because of that. Netherbovine needs to be placed really well, which will not be the case if you run to him after parking him somewhere else so that you can link in peace. Helgasercle has really, really good AoE, but she attacks a bit slower. Froster Lord would be an okay choice, but he’s already pretty expensive - more than the passives of Shadowmancer and Sage - and Marnox, the even better choice, costs your soul and then some.

Your friend kills so fast because he has Magic Missile at 10 and EQ likely at 15, you will just have it at 5. Also you will not have the Spirit Shock attribute and link less enemies. Your damage output will be way lower and that for a strategy which is not very sound. Don’t get me wrong - I am DESPERATELY trying to fit a Sorc class into those builds as well (wish we would have rank 10 already so that I could be Wiz2-Linker3-Sorc1-Thaum3-RC, at least). I love summons. I wish your strategy would be sound. But unless you spend way more than you would on a Shadowmancer or Sage to buy the top-crop cards, I don’t see it happening.

Gorkas would work too? And I’m glad that I’m not the only one who are trying fit sorc in all builds :smile:

One thing that I’m worry it’s the CD from magic missile and earthquake, I think that I’ll be a lot of time just running and can’t kill nothing… At silute, one marnox costs 20mil, but I don’t have that money :slight_smile:

In your opinion, which build should I use, since this build with sorc appear to not work, at least until I get a marnox (hopefully this build will work with him)?

Yeah, I want to fit Sorc in eeeeverything. I love my summon.

If you have Linker, you also have Spirit Shock. Don’t forget that! I know it’s single-target, but you could spread that with a link, maybe? Not that that’s the best use for a JP, but it should work. I never tried since I never use that spell since I don’t have its attribute and it deals like 0 damage in my build, but unless there’s some unwritten restriction on it that it cannot be linked, it should be fine.

That said, I have characters (Clerics) who have endless cooldowns and can’t do anything in between and I hate that, so I fully understand your concern. Also I am jealous of your Silute cost of Marnox; until recently, he was up to 75mil+ on Klaipeda and only dropped now to around 55mil.

Honestly, my Necro (W1/Cryo1/Linker2/Sorc2/Necro3) is dirt-cheap. It’s by far the cheapest character I have and also the one which survives everything. The Necro-attributes are all super-expensive and very nice to have, but none are really essential. As it also means that all summons deal the damage, there is no reason to put much into any damage spell attribute since your spells deal close to nothing anyway. The only attribute really, really needed are those boosting Disinter since gathering corpses is a pain otherwise. But it’s a build that uses zero items (unless you want the cat, which I never, ever used and my Necro survives the most out of all my characters), you always have stuff to do with Ice Pike/Ice Bolt/Linking/Summoning Familiars and it’s definitely not a boring build. Also my Necro doesn’t use Marnox, she uses Helgasercle, who is - purely in my opinion - way better than Templeshooter, Froster Lord or Netherbovine (but apparently I am strange).

If you don’t want Necro, then things get a bit more difficult because Wiz2/Linker1/Thaum3/Sorc1/Shadow2 would have been my next suggestion for farming if you want sorcerer in it. But you don’t want Shadowmancer, so that’s an issue.

The builds of your guildie are super-viable, but don’t have Sorc in them.

I currently am making a test build to see how Psychokino and RC work with Sorc. Problem is that I’m not at RC yet (one more rank needed) and Psychokino just sucks really, really big time - I would have never expected it to be that bad. I thought it might serve as a mixture of Crowd Control with Raise and Heavy Gravity, like Ice Pike, while also be able to group enemies together like Linker, even without the shared damage. So like parts of both Cryo and Linker in one class. Yeah… no. Better take a rank in Cryo and Linker than wasting any on Kino. At least I can get my maps finished before I reset her.

I honestly cannot give you a surefire build that would work and that I tested myself. My friend tried Wiz3/Thaum1/Sorc2/Necro3 - again a Necro - and said it works well, deals more damage than a W1/Cryo3 or my build, but survivability is far, far less because of the lack of crowd control.

Also, totally personal opinion: Marnox is GOOD, but he is not that far above others that your strategy will be a walk in the park with him. Your strategy is wonky in itself, Marnox will make it just slightly less wonky.

As for Gorkas: I never used him, so I can honestly not give a decent opinion on him. I see lots of others use him, though, so I’m sure someone else can help you with that!
If you absolutely want to try a build with a summon that’s not Marnox, my personal suggestion would be Helgasercle, but then again, she’s my favourite and so I’m totally biased (but she also is the summon who keeps me alive way better than the “popular summons” Froster Lord and Templeshooter, who both very much suck in my eyes, but others like them a lot, so maybe listening to me isn’t the smartest thing anyway…)

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