Tree of Savior Forum

New fake mail from treeofsavoir

Hi guys, I’m here just to show the new fake mail from treeofsavoir.
Take care you all
Always put your mouse on the LINK and confirm.
Main thread: Be cautious of the FAKE WEBSITE :


Interesting,thank you for posting.

I am kind of curious, do you know how they got your email?

Did you give treeofsavoir your email when they had their fake ‘beta signup’?
Is your email publicly visible on your facebook profile? (I noticed you are a part of the Brasil ToS Fanpage)
Do you have an account on TosBase? (I am wondering if perhaps treeofsavoir was behind that hack)

edit: Or was it sent to the email on your website?

If anyone else receives this email, I’d be curious to know how they think their email address was obtained - to try to narrow down who else may be at risk.

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It is due to ToSBase being hacked some time ago, you can find more info on their website

In fact its quite simple, if you click in mu profile here on the treeofsavior forum you can see my e-mail there:

IMG deleted as request of the members.

Seems like the hackers have a sense of humor,YuB-3Li-VeT could be read as You Believe It,lol


LoL, I haven’t noticed it. hahaha

You… you do know you just gave your email away right? Go to preferences and you’ll see that the email is never shown to the public.

edit: delete your post immediately if you don’t want people to spam you.

lol incoming Viagra emails :grinning:

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Block and report phishing.

I am getting freaking lasik vision spam from this guy. How does he know my eyesight is bad?

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The email is never shown if other person is looking at your profile.
Edit:. Ps, due to your screenshot, everyone DO know your email now.

Not like I care about it, after all that is a fake mail that I use only for things that I don’t care too much.
As you can see because of the spam box. :wink:
But anyway, you guys say that I shouldn’t put it there, so gonna erase the img…
Btw, if someone want to send something go ahead, but fake mails like this savoir won’t work with a computer technician. =X

Oh, then It’s explained. :+1:

Ah, you are right. AKA was clearly responsible for the ToSBase hack.

Not much of a hacker , just a scammer or a fisher.

wow i got an email from them like 1 hour ago i almost fell for it i was soo hyped for a key Lmao freaking scammers

A late April fools’ day maybe? :joy:

i recived the email too :frowning:

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lol no its a scam even ToS warned us about that xD

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I was referring to this.