Tree of Savior Forum

Hack and information breach

Guys be very careful when receiving this

It is obviois fake .
It will bring you to a fake tree of savior website . do not enter any information… Seriously DO NOT

You always have to be logged in for any beta activitys as well check where the email is from because the website is spelled wrong in it

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Linking related topic. Anyways it spells out You Believe It as someone in the topic below stated.

Block and report phishing.

I would like to know how that scam site found the user emails.
Unless the player were stupid enough to place his email on the website.

Probably the database from ToSBase that got hacked last week…
I just got that email in my spam email, and I log in ToS Forum with my Gmail, so they can’t fool me :sunglasses:

On the web site of ToSBase you can find all the information you need to know :wink: