Tree of Savior Forum

New costumes has become new entertainment stuff

This is another week, without any new content. The player base it’s ridiculous(i am not talking about that player base showed at steam, but the average player base has dropped a lot, the market has become so dificult to sell anything, that SA[Silute] its full of itens that are not selling in weeks.
Then after a lot of weeks without any new content, i mean really new content, like new pvp, new balance for some classes and new uptade for carda and equipaments, nothing of this has came to itos, and what we receive? Another dumb event(sorry for those who love it, but I don’t think this kind of event can hold player base), and another blessed cube(its here, the new blessed cube with new costumes and WINGS! Come on, come back to game!).
It’s annoying and disappointing at this time. I will stat another week of the game(like, just logging for open mystical cubes), i have nothing else to do.
For the whiteknights, i really hope that your spirit of hope do not break, and stills believe they are gonna change, I don’t.
For those who agree that new costumes hold player base, i am still sorry for you, while ktos receive a box that certainly came with costumes, here we got blessed cubes xd.
Its more than clearly, they don’t give a **** about itos, then i will don’t give a **** to this game. Sad but its true.

Thanks for reading me, xoxo.


As much as I dislike those items, there is no room for bigotry. While we are at stereotyping, even if those items were considered “feminine”, there are women who play this game.


I believe half a year later the costume would come into exchange shop.
Means we are about ONE YEAR later than the korean to enjoy just the entertainment, quite reasonable :slight_smile:

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on some reddit threads, someone posted about wings “wouldnt be usable” because our version of iTOS dont have the wing slots as kTOS version have and then he posted that info in this forum but the thread was deleted, probably IMC would add such slot with this update but who know :smile: just a head up

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How to make money with IMC:

  • Take a class-locked costume
  • Recolor it to like 3 colors
  • Make it universal
  • Sell it in RNG box to really milk the playerbase

Free dollarinos for IMC :upside_down_face:


I hope this game will be updated at the same time of Ktos. I don’t know why exist a big differences, I’m from Silute and without pvp and with the problem of overselling on the market is bored to play now. :frowning:

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Sorry for letting your hopes down, they will not. After playing this game since CBT, they still don’t give a god damn sh** to us. We just serve to sustain itos server and their development to kTOS. We are nothing to them, and when we still buying blesseds and letitia’s cubes, we are not gerring any improvement here. Till the next big update, enjoy the boring and unfinished end game.


most of the costume they released are considered “feminine”.
your post should be “there are MEN who play this game.”


We are already so behind kTos again u.u


Its realy hard to que this days.
I play again since a week and made a new char.
Its rare to have a dun run with 4 players now lol



why do they always have to put wings in every online game ???
is it an attempt to seduce players to spend more cash in game ??
does all people who play online games have some kind of absurd wing fetish ?


The playerbase is so dead. And of course, because of that, more and more players are quitting daily. It’s a vicious circle.
All the players they got back with the new combat changes and new players events are quitting one after another because there’s nothing to do. Fixing PvP is good, but taking down PvP while doing it is shooting yourself in the foot. I wish IMC would actually try to list down all the things there are left to do so they would realize how empty the game is.

And while I don’t hate wings in general they’re so overused in every games it’s now boring. Also we’re at a time in games where when you got wings it’s so your character can actually fly. Wings as a simple decoration is way too oudated.
To that you add the fact in this game wings are supposed to be something only the higher entities (Goddesses, Kupoles, Giltine) and GMs have. Even if we’re saviors, aren’t we just humans ? That’s the whole point, no ?
I don’t think they look ugly, they just feel really pointless (even in a fashion pov) and they simply don’t fit, imo.

But for a while anyway I’ve hated the path TOS is taking for this kind of things. It used to have its own atmosphere, but it feels like they’re more and more going down the path of clichéd fashions of every MMOs ever. TOS had beautiful and original arts, it’s what attracted a lot of people with the classes system (and the “RO’s spiritual successor” whole thing), so if it just loses its original touch, I don’t really see the point anymore.
I mean, if you’re gonna go for a more traditional MMO vibe, there are many more games who offer the same but without as many bugs, with better contents, and faster updates.


THIS. :point_up::point_up::point_up:

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I don’t mind costumes, but I hate the focus on trashy gacha to get costumes that have no focus on the theme of the game at all.

This game has so many possibilities to sell costumes, e.g. the NPC costumes or the 3rd Circle Class costumes.

They could also sell costumes that are basically just adding a skin to yourself that makes you look like a monster (similarly to how Druids Transformation works) or add kabbarettistical/comedial costumes (e.g. sad Mr. Kim costume, fruit-themed costume [based on the GM names like Grape,Guava,Mango,etc.] crying kepa boy costume, Rambear costume, Goddess Statue costume, etc.),
but please stop the generic costumes that don’t fit the theme and are an intentional easy cash grab similarly to all other Korean MMORPGs out there.

I e.g. hate to pay money for cosmetic items in online games, but I would buy a well-made Kabbalist C3 costume, and there are lots of people who think the same.

Feeding costumes that look bad through gacha doesn’t entice people to invest money, originality does. TOS has a lot of originality, but it isn’t properly utilized to make money.
E.g. the total absence of selling merchandise overseas, which would net in a lot of income even by people who don’t play the game.

Instead, the marketing division of IMC markets the same generic MMORPG schemes that many people who play TOS are sick of, selling rare items through Leticia Cube and costumes via gacha.

In before they bring matrix, jurrasic park and other nonsenses on top of car racing :wink:

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yup, kinda didn’t feel it now

I have wing fetish ._. Stop discriminating me :V


They haven’t held me cuz I got bored of the generic chore events. Orsha more dead than usual. Economy that barely existed is extincted.


Be aware

it’s not that we don’t want you to use.

We just don’t want this to become mandatory like it Happened on Ragnarok and Granado Espada MMORPG.

I have “armor costume fetish”, I simple love armors costume , specially the dark ones, but this game has more Skirts costumes than armors, and barely NO armor on premium costumes, (only orsha costume[the most used], uska costume [ very simple] and swordsman costume [too white]). Stop skirt, more armor, for all classes!


Aye! Comrade!

I’m one of those that could be held just for costumes (or titles). Class costumes, armor costumes… In any games I will participate in seasonal events just for those. Or stalk market to buy them during off-season. But I dislike the amount of modern-RP stuff they keep tossing at us. From costumes only, and now with the accessories haha. Honestly, the bunny ver.2 and nurse costume have hit my limit. They don’t fit the world, and as someone who have 18/20 male characters… the male costumes are always unappealing. :grimacing: I have no problem if others like them tho. I respect that.

There’s also the “we don’t get them in packs like ktos did” issue.

If they update c3 costumes even half often as the gacha costumes, I may stick around – mingle in town, stalk players with the costume. But right now I shifted my attention to other games and return for r9.

Also now they not only recycled the events but even the reward titles as well? “Honorary xxxx” again? Pfft