Tree of Savior Forum

New Class Preview: Exorcist & Pied Piper

Greetings, Saviors!

The Exorcist & Pied Piper are our next classes in the Cleric & Archer tree.

Today we bring you a sneak peek of what this class is about.

Introducing our new class preview: Check it out below!


Wish I could name the little mouse and have an army of them mwahahaha…

a hug-able exploding army :3 …

wait a second…

Yay, another 2 months-prior preview :tired:

We’re already long talking about this in the KTOS thread…

It’s pretty ridiculous to “tease” us with this footage if the Koreans got them as a surprise from yesterday to today and we get the teaser of an update that wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

OMG :blush: please give us some hint of the release date

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