Tree of Savior Forum

New and could use some guidance with an Alchemist! Thanks!

Hey guys

Sorry about making one of these posts. I tried reading around as much as I could before coming here. Though it is all a bit overwhelming, so I am sorry if some of my questions were answered in other posts! >_<

To be honest, the last mmorpg that I played was Maplestory and that was ages ago.

So, onto my question at hand. After reading around at what was available, I decided on going the Alchemist path. It looked like there was more support in regards to which classes to pick and which skills were more efficient.

Currently, this is what I have in regards to a build.
Wiz - Cryo - Psych - Cryo - Cryo - Alche - Alche

Honestly, I am just dicking around with what I have read.

Also in regards to the status points allocation, is there a specific way I should do it? As in, per each level, would it be advantageous to have points added into a certain stat as opposed to another? I know that for Wizard it would be best to focus on CON, INT, and SPR as my main stats, but when do I add points into which stat and how much should actually go into each stat?

Really these were the only actual questions that I had. Again I am sorry if these questions have been addressed already. Like I said, I am just a bit overwhelmed. Thanks ahead of time!

I also plan on getting an alchemist. However, since I have to use at least ranks 6 and 7 on the alchemist class itself, this is not going to be my main class and I will most likely give that character more utility/support ranks than damage ranks. I’m thinking about those builds:

wiz > pyro > linker > pyro > linker > alchemist > alchemist
wiz > pyro > linker > linker > thaum > alchemist > alchemist
wiz > pyro > linker > thaum > thaum > alchemist > alchemist
wiz > pyro > linker > ele > ele > alchemist > alchemist

Take a look at this one, and also at the comments under the build, the answers and reasoning behind the build seem solid.

I was thinking to go for utility classes as well before going alch, but if you do that it will be a pain to lvl up alone.
I think I’ll get pyro3 and maybe Linker or Sorc, I need dps or else I’ll always have to depend on ppl to help me with my progression.

Yeah, that was one of the first builds I came across. It looks pretty sturdy. Since there is nothing else really for me to go off of, I was going to go that route. I tried building my own for kicks and giggles.

Hrm, that is a good point. I am not too well versed yet on all of the nuances concerning the different classes and their advantages over the others, so thanks for letting me know.

I am playing with a group of friends, so I am not too concerned with asking for help.

But I will keep your suggestions in mind! Thanks again!

Keep in mind that the linker itself can multiply your damage against multiple targets. Yes, it’s not dps on it’s own, but it is a multiplicator in most situations, and that’s what makes most MMO builds great, right? I will get at least one linker circle for this reason.

if you are playing with a group of friends it shouldn’t be a problem

I know, I played linker in the closed beta, however they seemed to have been hit it hard with the nerf hammer now :slight_smile: It no longer syncs well with AOE classes and also I think you’d need at least circle 2 in linker to make it effective late game
my alch will be an alt mostly for solo play so that’s why I wanted to get dps skills on it, if I were to at least duo I would probably build it full supp

Thanks for the feedback, guys!. I think I will stick with the build I posted. In regards to stat point allocation, would it be safe to say that I could follow the distribution from the build posted by @Brobbulus

Would it essentially be a 2:1 deal for CON:SPR and then if I am interpreting this correctly, a stat reroll for “30 CON, 139 INT, 30 SPR, other Bonus Points go for INT”?

Sorry again for all of the questions. Just want to be sure I am doing things correctly and not fudging up too much. Completely newbie here.

I won’t waste a stat reset on that char as it’s not my main, but yes, the guide dude is planning to do it that way. I’ll just start with 30 CON, then around 30 - 40 SPR (as I’m not most likely not going for sorcerer) and look if I need to get more afterwards. Rest INT, I guess.

But, you should be warned: Don’t take my suggestion too serious, I haven’t read any guides on stats yet.

You can find one here:

Thanks, I was wary about doing a stat reset also. I like the sound of your approach, but I will definitely give the guide a read! Thanks for the link.

just a thought, if you lvl up cloth armor attribute (which is what you need to do) you can skip the points in spr.

And there is another aspect of this game that I have to look into now…

Haha, I had not considered that at all! I have added it to my reading list.

Thanks for the suggestion!

No problem, glad to help, I’m just killing time anyway because I have almost no work this week :slight_smile:

Imo you don’t really needed spirit at all.

I’m w1 -> pyro1 -> linker1 lvl 68 atm and 0 in spirit - no mana problems (just don’t forget to buy and drink potions)

I have 20 CON and 98 INT atm (total). Don’t need more con at the moment.

BTW I wear plate armor - for more defence and HP pool. Also rod + shield (instead of staff) for the same reason. But shield will be changed to arde dagger as soon as I get one.

I did try plate as well but on the long run I figured cloth is way better for my needs as a caster, both the stats from the actual items and the stats from cloths mastery

Well it is very possible I’ll switch to cloth too, however at my current level plate seems to be best choice.

About cloth mastery - you don’t need SP pool for most alchemist builds. However magic defense is cool.

Thanks again for the great advice, guys. I have a lot to think about and look over. Hopefully this thread will be helpful to other players!

My advice is to skip alchemist until all these trade limitations are gone, if ever. I want to be an alchemist too, but being unable to buy materials as well as being unable to be helpful to friends or other players with my services is incredibly limiting to what Alchemists can do. The same can be said of Pardoners.

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