I’m bringing a terrible issue. I don’t know if it’s a terrible bug or just a nonsense unbalanced problem, BUT genbu armor is making WIZARDS almost impossible to kill on PVP/GVG/BORUTA. And the numbers don’t lie, you just have to look at the rakings and TBL. They’re full of imortal wizards dominating.
This game has awesome classes and characters, but you’re being forced to move into ONE class, just because the others are TOO WEAK compared to wizards…
Why Genbu is making Wizards imortal?
- Tank everything (with any set) without losing HP for a LONGER time than ANYONE WOULD with a HIGH CLASS SET.
- SP potion restores 20-30%, different of HP potions on TBL (5% or less)
- Nulify a lot of IMPORTANT debuffs.
- It can be accumulated with another survival skills like Shadow Pool (funniest thing is: THEY CAN USE IT IN COMBAT, so WHY SCOUT CAN’T USE CLOAK TOO?), Subzero Shield, Levitation, Teleport, Blink, etc.
And the MOST IMPORTANT thing: T H E Y A R E W I Z A R D S ! They HAVE HUGE aoe, so they SHOULD be VULNERABLE, and not the MOST ■■■■■■■ TANK in the game.
Well, that’s my last breath in this game… And believe, I’m not alone on this journey…
(and you should make your staff play the game to see what’s really happening in there.)