Tree of Savior Forum

Need your advise on the summoner's build

What’s better? Please answer the poll bellow! THANKS!



  • wiz- cryo 3- sorc 3- sage
  • wiz- cryo 3 - sorc 2- necro 2

0 voters

Why not make a poll?

Anyways sorc 2 necro 2 is better imo.

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idk how too. lol. thanks :slight_smile:

I tried first buiild, Sorc 3 is totally not needed and going sage is pretty pvp oriented i believe. I think second one would be better specially at rank 9 when you get skeleton archers too.

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First build is my main, while I absolutely love it I’m surprised by how popular it has become. I mean sorc is generally good now cause of the buffs but c2 sadly is sufficient and you’re better off doing a build like sorc2necro2.

It’s heartwarming tho that people want to specialise in sorc and will choose to go c3 instead. Another problem is that there’s no good option to follow c3 sorc either… hopefully this will improve as well. I’m not saying sage is bad but it could synergize a lot better as it’s a way better option for chrono.

I’m still hopingfor some c3 skill buffs for sorcerer and some better synergy with rank 8 classes.

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Im currently playing the c3 sage path and Im having tons of fun. I originally thought on going sroc2necro2 and even though its more powerful, I felt it would get boring pretty soon (for me!) because you can’t really control necro summons and it doesn’t really add new mechanics to your build other than dirty pole + templeshooter.
At the end its personal preference, both work but necro path seems to be stronger right now.
I love the aspect of the sorcerer that allows you to control the summon and the fact that it has tons of bosses to choose from with different mechanics each, even though only a bunch are meta/really useful.


For all those who selected the first build SORC3-SAGE.
What does it make it special aside from PVP advantage?

I think it’s just a preference thing.

Sorc2Necro2 seems to be objectively better for pve though.

Does swell arm affect summon damage?

Just out of curiosity, have any of you ever tried to build this build with Wiz-Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro-Sage ???
So you get Shoggot (Decay), Gather Corpse (recover corpses), Dirty Pole (more Decay) and all the benefits of Sage. With all this Decay the TempleShooter will thank you, lol.

I have Sorcerer2-Necro2 and I did not really like the build, I preferred Sorcerer2 with another variation.

I think Rank 9 is sure to look better sorcerer2-Necro3, but in Rank 8 …

I don’t think it would. Swell arm increases your character’s matk/patk, not your weapon’s. Summon damage goes up based on SPR (+0.67% per point) and weapon matk.

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