Tree of Savior Forum

Need tips, Wiz > Cryo > Linker > ? > Sor > Sor > War

I’m current at Linker. I’m pretty sure I want to play as Sor (luv the summons) and I think it only worth if you get 2 levels at it… so i’m probably going with War at the end. My problem is, what to get between Linker and Sor… I’m thinking about Elementist, since it Electrocute skill combines with Cry, and I would get that cool fires arround me. And Ele has a good Ice skill too (Hail). What do you think guys?

I’d say go Cryo 3, or Pyro > Linker 2.

But as you already made the char, go linker again I believe, or 1 rank in kino for combo wombo. I still believe 1 other rank on linker will be better for your later classes.