Tree of Savior Forum

Need some Sneak Hit explaination

How does Sneak Hit added (?) to your crit chance?
For example if my crit chance is 40%, and attack from behind, does it add up to 90%?
Or it will make 40% + 60%*50% = 70%?
Same question for Sneak Hit under WW card effect.
(40% +60%*50%*30% = 49%?)

but get hardcapped at 60% by system

The biggest issue with sneak hit is that it’s so easy to cap crit rate, and getting capped at 60% hurts a lot. If rogue had some way to raise crit cap it would be useful, but in general you can’t focus very heavily in crit like you could in other MMOS or even ARPGs because the cap is way too low. Typical cap for games is 90%/95% so you can’t only crit (Meaning you do need to focus somewhat on other stuff), is generally hard to reach and can run into a build counter but unlikely.

Frankly I’d say you’ll want to actually pull out a crit calculater and see if maxing sneak hit is worth it with your gear as you’ll probably waste most of it on anything but certain bosses (plant?)

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