Tree of Savior Forum

Need some help with this build! thx guys

So, i dunno, wich path i should go, my main goal is tharmaturge c3 > Warlock

My doubt is better go wiz>pyro>linker>tha c3>WL
wiz>pyro c2> tha c3 >WL

any help guys? linker c1 still worth it? pros and cons of having a linker c1 in the build x have more “dot” dmg as pyro c2

THX Guys!

Your damage on early stage will mostly come from pyro but in my point if you wanna go to a support tree then getting linker is more reasonable than getting pyro2. Besides pyro could really maximize their abilities even if it’s only circle 1 if they have a linker in their tree.

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If we look at some of your skills…

Fireball - melee deployment, small aoe with fixed aoe ratio

Firewall - melee deployment, multiple single-target hits

Enchant Fire - buffs your AA, which is a ranged single target hit

Shrink / Swell Body - melee cast, tiny AoE

Pole of Agony - melee deployment, tiny AoE, benefits from displacement

Invocation - buff that creates single target, single hit things

Dark Theurge - buff, melee single target hits

Evil Sacrifice - still single target hits afaik

Yup. Linker’s definitely worth. The only skills that do not greatly benefit from it are Flame Ground, Reversi, and Mastema

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tyvm guys for anwsering, guys! any other point of view still appreciated!

because im was thinking since thaurma has flat numbers buff, dot skill would scale better? not sure

Well if you only look in numbers you could really say pyro2 - thauma easily tops pyro-linker-thauma. But you have to understand that linker offers a great synergy with the support tree you are planning. Also it’s really hard to use the fireball if you don’t have link. And getting linker is really a plus in this build because it’s the only disable you will have in this tree.

Another thing in case you don’t know. Linker’s hangmans knot has an attribute which decreases enemies aoe defense ratio, which allows you and your party members to hit more mobs in an area. To put simply, more magic attack doesn’t really mean better than having more targets to hit. You can compensate your damage through items and attribute levels but not the ability to make you hit more mobs.

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WOW!! i didnt know that! TYVM!!

Linker will be then!
Really thx!