Tree of Savior Forum

Need some advise on which Class

This Build I’m thinking full SPR, Wizard C1 Skill Energy Bolt is push away enemy and Magic Shield protect myself, Lethargy is debuff enemy.

Pyromancer C2 is for keep enemy out of me and Enchant Fire Property to my attack.

Thaumaturge C3 is Buff my Summons.

Sorcerer for Rank 10 Attributes, what i understand is Summons HP with Follow My CON but I’m Full SPR, when I go farm or dun I can go buy the Armor Enhance by 20 SPR = +1 CON Buff.
And the Summon Familiar Skill will become like Summon Salamion, it won’t be explodes anymore can stay as long as it can, and Salamion can heal others and itself.
Evocation Skill base on SPR, Desmodus can Debuff enemy.

When Rank 10 come out I not sure which I should choose so I Enchanter Increase My Dodge Chance and Enchant Lighting Property to my Attack, and + My 50% Max SP.

Change some skill after Hmmmm Advise.

This I’m thinking go Full INT but not yet sure…Maybe Full SPR also can ?

Just Rank 10 I choose for Sorcerer is because Summon Servant will be helpful I think, or If I’m Full INT can choose Enchanter to have 50% more SP ?

Thank you very much.

Full INT

Drain10 is hard to get all 10 stacks often. 5-7 is enough.
Invo not best anymore but i still max it.
PoA has not so good scaling. 1 or leftover points.
1 point in Evil Sacrifice can be useful sometimes.

Thank you very much for your advise, Can I ask how about Rank 10 ? Warlock will running out SP ? should i choose Enchanter for 50% SP more or Sorcerer to have some buff ?

I’m not sure what my EleWL will get at Rank10.
FF1 could be good or maybe RC or others… dont think Enchanter1 is worth.

SP cost is not that low but no big problem, using SP Pots a lot for Chapparition Cards anyways and SquireFood also helps.

I see, Thank you very much.

How about Rank10 ShadowMancer ?
What I think is ShadowMancer is Dark Property so should match with Warlock New Attributes and Drain Buff.

Shadow C1 and Onmy C1 and many other C1 are a little weak. They need at least C2 to get the good Attributes.
(I had Shadow1+Onmy1 at alts. not good)

We are not getting R10 soon. so i’ll wait and look what koreans take and what other classchanges and attributes IMC makes…

Okie, Thank you very much.

By the way, Ghastly Trail Lv.1 then use Drain Lv.10 won’t be help ?
Ghastly Trail made those Spirit in line already then Drain ?

Tried that long ago but didnt like that a lot.

Ohhh i didnt saw you didnt took Dark Theurge:

  • You should get Dark Theurge 1 and Drain 5-7
  • Use Dark Theurge and then Drain right after it
  • for easy near-permanent instant 50% (or more if you stand in spirit from Invoc) dmg boost

best combo and like everyone uses that

Is mean Dark Theurge I can get at least 5 Spirit to Drain, Okie I get it, Thank you very much.:grinning:

You can get sage at r10

Can i know why suggestion Sage at Rank 10 ?

Enchanter 1 doesn’t give much in a build, you just get a weak Enchant Lightning which moreover costs reagents to cast. The SP bonus you get from Empowerment is just to “max” SP, which is pointless if you don’t spam elixirs to refill it. Way too costly…

I was considering Sorcerer 1 too. The demon you summon can act as a tank while you cast your AoE skills. To be worthwhile, you would have to get equipment with SPR or invest a bit in SPR to get more powerful summons… and that would fix the SP problem of the build.

Most probably will go with Runecaster for extra filler skills, ice boost and immunity to knockback/knockdown.

Same as other r8 classes: you take 2+ circles or none. Doesn’t mean it’s not a good choice, just not good for r10. A wiz3-ele3-wlk3-shm2 would be a decent choice for r11.

Hmm I need to check that… Missile Hole is a great utility skill, and you get 2 fillers for more damage. Could be worthwhile…