Tree of Savior Forum

Need some advice with my farming build

Currently, having a hard time choosing a farming build. For the most part I want my character to be both a buffer/farmer/ and synergize with parties.

Also I have 25Mill
Currently My Stats are 80% INT / 20% SPR (LVL 170)
Current Build Build: Wiz 2> linker2 > Thaum1

Im debating on what build to go for or any other builds you recommend (In terms of low investment of gear)

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > 2 Thaum > 3 FeatherFoot
-This is actually the build Im aiming for, but after reading some other similar builds Im having second thoughts. Or is this build viable for me with low funds and decent with parties and Solo

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > 3 Thaum > 2 ShadowMC
-The Second option that I heard was good and doesn’t need much investment but since it requires 100% SPR and already choose INT I won’t me choosing it. Unless I get the stat reset potion. Also Even with 100% SPR. people say its still SP hungry. But If its good as people are saying I might choose this

Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > 3 Thaum > 2 FeatherFoot
-Im debating on sacrificing 1 pts of Featherfoot for 3 Thaum. For better party support but at the same time, I will be spending most of my time farming solo
My Question is: Is 3 thaum worth it for sacrifcing 1 point of Featherfoot or will I be loosing on damage, Even with max swell arm and mind

At the end of the day I will be farming with this build. But since I will be using this for a while I want to be viable for parties

if you are asking for a pure farming build, that is one that can farm 340 hg/ masinios mats, then wiz 2 link 2 thauma 2 ff 3 is a very good choice.

ff3 has attributes that greatly increase the damage of kundela slash, eg. kundela slash’s curse of curses which doubles kundela damage dealt to target. Only reason to go thauma is for better swell buffs and they got nerfed in wiz rework because they no longer add extra damage with dagger and rod/mace.

It fits your current stat build.

If you go shadowmancer, you want full spr just so you can be an efficient farmer.

Some of the common farming builds are

  1. Wiz2>Link2>Thauma2>FF3. Kundela slash is really strong at C3. Plus you do not need HP potions since you can self-heal. Also you get to fly around. Not worth giving up C3 for Thauma3 because of the attribute from Kundela slash + Enervation.

  2. Wiz2>Link2>Thauma3>Shadow2. 1 more point in Thauma3 to get Swell Brain. Works best with full SPR since Shadow have high SP consumption. Good single target damage with shadow thorn.

  3. Wiz2>Link2>Thauma3>Sage2. Similar to build 2) but sage instead. More AOE damage from Ultimate dimension and Dimension Compression, meaning you have more skill to use when your hangman knot is on CD. Compared to build 2), this seems a bit slower due to the longer cast time, but you are provided with more options to use. Also can be used as a portal shop.

  4. Wiz2>Link3>Thauma3>RC. This works great not just for farming but also as a magic DPS support. You are one of the best buffers in the game with 3 Swell Buffs + sharing Rune of Protection. Additionally, Rune of Destruction breaks magic defence so you work well with magic teams.

Stat reset isn’t really an issue. A lot of events provide stat/skill resets so you can continue your char for a while and wait for those. Also, if you have other wizard classes, you might not want to repeat classes (for instance if you already have a Sage maybe you want to try something else).

Personally, for pure farming I would prefer 1). If you want to however use this in a party as well, I would go for 4). Build 4) is also much cheaper than the rest because it consist of lower rank classes and attributes are much cheaper. If you are going with build 4), get Runecaster at rank6 first before you get the higher linker/thauma ranks.