Tree of Savior Forum

Need Manamana or Peta Recipe? No silver or trade items? Get it from me

IGN: Gape

I have a Manamana w/ lvl 5 roasted green gem in it that I’m not going to be using anymore. I have little need for other items at this time, so I don’t plan on trading it for anything or selling it for silver.

I’d like to give this away to someone. If you’d like to be that someone all I ask is a favor.

Add me to friends in game (IGN at top), when you notice me online go to the Shinobi quest flower spawn location pictured below in Alemeth Forest (lvl 220 zone). When you see the flower spawn, pm me so I can come loot it. The item is UNTRADABLE so if you loot the flower I cannot give you the Manamana.

That’s all there is to it. If you want to PM me initially to let me know you’ll be looking that is helpful too. If the flower spawns more than 1 person PM me at the same time, the first message that came in gets the Manamana. If the flower despawns obviously I won’t give the item. The Manamana will be traded as soon as the flower item lands in my inventory.

I don’t trade much, but if you want someone to vouch for my honesty in an offer like this you can talk to Saintone who traded me a lvl 10 Templeshooter a little while back, he might remember.

Thanks and happy hunting

He is honorable. We were in a group in which I scanned and a hat popped. He recognized that it was mine and gave it to me.

is this still good or resolved?

Yep the offer is still on the table, I’ll post here if anything changes. Go ahead and add me to friends in game if I didn’t already talk to you earlier :slight_smile:

Man, if only i was i klaipeda server :confused:

I have only two people participating in the bounty at this time, and there is a lot of time they aren’t online or camping it, so still plenty of room for others to snag the Manamana for themselves.

When nobody else is looking for me I’ll be checking on it myself, so find that flower before I do!

UPDATE: Bounty is still open. I had a Petamion recipe drop for me, so the reward is now a choice between the Manamana or Petamion recipe.

I found the flower finally, so I’m retracting the bounty offer.

Big thanks to those who participated and freed me up to play alts instead of quit the game, sorry that I couldn’t hook anyone up.