Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with wiz c3 skills

Hello, fellow wizads. Im working on a WIZ C3 - ELE C3 - WARLOCK and i need your help to fulfil my 11 missing skill points.

Some considerations of my part:

1 - Reflect Shield is useless at end game
2 - Energy Bolt same
3 - Earthquake same (only 1 to knockdown the mob)

Where to put the mentioned points?

Waiting for some answers and
thanks in advance!

Maybe get 1 point in energy bolt (bonus damage from sleep)

and max surespell and the rest in reflect?

there isnt much to put here XD

I took Reflect Shield to level 11 as it’s the less useless of the options.

Even if the reflect damage is low it’s still some damage reduction for the Wizard class, which only has Subzero Shield to do so.

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I will reset my skills to this:

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I also reseted my skills points and and i’ll do like this:

In this case, i must agree with you guys on the fact that Reflect Shield is the less useless between Lethargy and Energy Bolt skills, since we lack any kind of defense, even a poor one.

Finally, i was thinking if it is worth putting Lethargy level 3 in order to get the Enhance attribute (in this case i would get Reflect Shield lv. 11 and Lethargy Lv.3). If not, all 13 missing points (were 11 points if i had gone go for lethargy level 3) are going on Reflect Shield.

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I would pick EB lvl 8 or 10 for almost instant cast. Honestly it is the best skill out of the 3 mentioned as u can have some filler damage which also combo with sleeping targets (although it is still not optimal for sure).

Earthquake - blablabla so bad

Reflect Shield - Honestly, at level 13 - Damage reduction: (65 + SPR) - seriously this is a joke. Hope they rework the skill to INT based or INT + SPR or whatever.

Yeah, it’s a great skill that really needs a revamp. If it scaled with INT it would give Wizards a chance of going pure INT, quite hard to do so at the moment.

I have a W3 Ele2 at the moment.

I’m going pure INT (trying to, at least, pretty hard to accomplish) and I have 1 point in Energy Bolt, 1 in Earthquake and I think 14 in Reflect Shield (that I’m in the hope of a buff). Not much to do there, really.

Earthquake has good damage but it’s just more useful to send mobs flying the other way around (specially in dungeons, when we don’t have a tank with good pull) than anything, and not really a super practical (and good) skill like Magic Missile.

I would have that 1 point in Energy Bolt as well, you can combo it with Sleep and this 1 point is very cheap to use, it knockbacks enemies and has a fast cooldown, it’s a good little filler to have.

Energy bolt is not useless, with the sleep attribute it does enough damage to clear normal hitpoint mobs, and it has a pushback effect which works well when you have it high enough for tap casting. Its deffinitley were you should put all your extra points.

max sleep, magic missile, and quick cast
make surespell at least 5 but i would reccomend thinking about maxing it. You do NOT always use it like you do quickcasting, so its not somethign that you will always use in synch with your quickcasting, they are often going to be on staggered cooldowns anyway, so keeping it at 5 just because you plan on casting it with quickcasting every time is a bad idea.

1 lethargy is probably the most useful single point you can spend

1 earthquake can make early leveling easier, and some people really like it for emergency CC knockdown i guess, im a kino so i never use it, might be valuable for eles though

Put rest into energy bolt so you can tap off all three casts quickly. Ebolt with 0 attribute multiplier and the sleep multiplier attributes is still enough to two shot normal hitpoint slept mobs for me at 230, this means that given attribute raising and the fact you can fire off 3 ebolts, means i dont see any point any time soon it will stop being useful. And again, its pushback is very useful, even moreso for an ele since you can push stuff out of place into your frost cloud.


Can u answer some questions to help me?
1 What is ur stats distribution now?
2 I’m w3 psycho1 level 82, can u send me ur full build?
3 At what lvl EBolt is tap = cast?

my stat are 90 con rest int, though im planning to use my restat potion to go full con down the line, once i obtain animus and pump up my atributes enough tocompensate

as far as ebolt, its kind of lag dependant, if you are getting good frame rate and low ping, you can just push the key after a point and it will cast, different people report different things, some level 9, some level 11, etc. Mines level 12 (though i will lower it to 9 in the future, im going to max surespell, mines only 6 at the moment, which is fine since 100% uptime, but as ive said you dont keep it up all the time normally like you do with quickcast, and i think the longer duration will be more valuable in dynamic situations)

The build for wizard3 i would reccomend as general purpose for a wizard3 is

Maxed Sleep
Maxed Quick cast
Maxed Magic Missile
Maxed Surespell
1 Lethargy
8 Energy bolt
1 Earthquake (for a kino build you dont need this, so put energy bolt to 9 instead, though its not super important, you might want to keep it as part of some alternative build that focuses on just CC locking someone as long as possible)

As far as a kino. If people were stopping at kino1 after taking wiz3 for some future build: You want maxed PP, telekenesis, and at least 1 swap, id say just max swap since teleport5s not very useful. Some builds might want to avoid PP entierly if they are really drawing a lot of dps skills from their other circles and not comboing it with ice wall or fireball. level 5 pp is not very impressive on its own.

For people going kino2 for their build: Maxed pp, keep telekenesis at 5, magnetic force is useless, ignore it. Teleport 10 might be useful, thats when you can start using it to go places like mausoleum 4th floor area. Really kino2 is about getting the stunlock for PP

For kino3 the build is: Maxed PP, gravity pole, and raise. 5 in telekenesis, at least 1 in swap but up to 5 is a reasonable idea. The rest you can distribute as you want into teleport or whatever. You could do like 3 swap 12 teleport for example, i dont know. I just dont know how much teleport is required to get to all the places it can get you to. Its not a very useful combat skill in most situations since at lower teleport levels its faster to just walk out of the way than to go through the cast animation

5 telekenesis gives you a 3 hit count and a decent duration. Telekenesis disables you as well as the target so a long duration telekenesis sshould be avoided. One of telekenesis’ advantages is that after the final hit it knocks people up/back/down, which gives you time to do some other form of CC on them.

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