Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with my sorcerer build

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It is a good option since Invocation buff by 30% your Dark Attack while it is active and Summon Servant also buff Dark Property which give you a nice damage (not Higher DPS in game, but a good option for summoners).

And what about this build?

I played something like that in last beta… I didn’t like how it works to be honest, it was not bad in party since Cryo3 rocks in party, but Sorc was not a good idea since my DPS was pretty low next to any other DPS and Demon AI make him attack Ice Wall a soon as it was build, the utility from the Demon was not good neither. Also I regret all time not getting Linker. As personal experience it was awful, now Warlock was not available and I took Necro as 6th rank (in last beta Sorc1 = all skills from Sorc2 and Necro = all skills from Necro2).

What’s your reason as to why Pyro2 is a bad idea?
I am curious now because I initially planned to wiz pyro pyro linker sorc sorc sorc/warlock…

the only useful skill pvp wise in psy 1 is swap and thats it already…psy pressure gets stun in c2 only - stationary skill without any stunlock or anything isn good…

pyr 2 is a bad idea for pvp - youre pretty much screwed if your enemy got an oracle and soaks up your precious pyro skills making a 2 circle investment really painful - pillar got such a looong cooldown - other than that ppl claim that the damage falls off in pve - cant confirm that never played a lv 280 pyro

thats the big prob of a pyro everything is pretty much ground spells only no direct damage or utility

how about telekinesis disable? teleport for repositioning in bad situations? And if u have a cryo on ur team ur burst potential goes up alot. Elementalist c1 has stone curse and that’s it. Electrocute level 5 is pretty laughable.

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This is why stone curse is so bad:

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what is your current build actually? i’m a bit confused hahaha i’ve seen some good wizard 3 - psycho 3 - featherfoot builds and after some buffs the class received it is looking really cool tbh. It all depends on what role u wanna play.

I think if u are playing cryo - psycho for the burst c3 kino is not needed, but i could be wrong.

There is a thread somewhere here with some discussion about psycho 3 builds.

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i didn say ele 1 is good - i said psy 1 is a bad choice - and you wanna rely on your team to have a cryo with a high icewall available? and even if you get a cryo each and every fight do you expect enemies to run into your shards and not do anything? telekinesis 5 is bad as well sure you disable somebody for a short duration - but dont forget that you disable yourself as well x.x doesn help you any further in teamfights and the damage is laughable - teleport can teleport you straight into an enemies ground spell if youre unlucky its pretty bad and got no range at circle 1 - the only real good thing is in circle 2 for the PP attribute

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The build 1 is quite good, i would just change the c1 elementalist for either pyro 2 or linker 2 (as a summoner build, maybe pyro 2 is better for filler damage). I would do something like this:

Wizard: Lethargy u put level 1 only for attribute, sleep is the best CC for ur build so u should max it. Earthquake lvl 1 just for the CC cause the damage is bad (u can combo lethargy with earthquake for 2x hit).

Linker: max joint penalty (lvl 5), physical link is not the greatest skill at the moment, and with a dandel gem u can have 6 linked mobs with JP max level.

Featherfoot: max blood bath and blood sucking (the only 2 good spells to be honest), 1 in bone pointing for utility as the damage suck, and 1 for Kurdaitcha as well. The rest in Ngadhundi just for filler damage (but it’s a very poorly designed spell right now).

For the second build, i dont see much synergy beetween pyro, linker and psycho to be honest. I think it would be better just to take wizard 3 with quick cast to boost damage (attribute) and surespell to get uninterrupted channeling for psycho/feather skills. Something like this:

U can change psycho skill distribution as i’m not the best person to tell u which skills to max or not, you should research a bit.

Wizard c3 i dont put points into reflect shield cause the skill scales terrible as it is now (linearly with SPR). With more levels with energy bolt u can cast level 1 EB faster (cast time is fixed so the more u invest the faster u cast the level 1). Example: if the cast time is 2 seconds:

level 1 EB : 2 seconds
level 2 EB: 1 second (to release a level 1 shot)
level 3 EB: 2/3 and so on (to release a level 1 shot)

I think that’s it lolz

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It isn’t actually. If we think about what u benefit from linker is just the blood bath spreading to every linked mob.

Bloodsucking is already an AoE skill (small though), but u can gather mobs, use Raise and suck them dry. The other 3 skills suck right now. There is a video somewhere here in the forum showing a wiz 3 - psycho 3 - featherfoot doing the combo i just mentioned.

So the trade off is: u give up on bloody mess with blood bath, but u get:

Surespell, quickcast attribute (+50% matk), which will be helping all of ur psychokino spells as well featherfoot spells damage-wise.

After thinking a lot, i’m running wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot cause i love DPS and i love featherfoot concept, and even without the obvious synergy, it is still a pretty legit build for me personally. I stopped thinking about later ranks cause they may take months or years to be released so …

U have the option to go the “futuristic” build which is wizard 3 - linker 3 - featherfoot, waiting for more DPS classes in the future. But man, it will hurt to run something like this i think xD, unless u are partying a lot.

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And what about stats?
For build wiz - pyro2 - elem - sorc2 - warlock
Full int
3int 1con
3int 1con 1sprt

I dont think so. U will be like 1 rank away from getting frost cloud (best ele skill), and the synergy isnt quite there, cause AoE spells dont benefit from linker anymore. If u take 1 rank from wiz 3 it will be the same story (1 rank away from magic missiles and quickcast).

Both builds are fine u just need to choose the one pleases u the most xD. I really enjoy the blood bath and joint penalty combination, but i just gave up on it cause my overall DPS would still be lower than a solid wiz 3 - ele 3 for me (if i ran some wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot )

As much is i love the wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 -featherfoot, after recent nerfs on linker i just felt i was going to be more of a “attacker support” than anything else (with more cooldowns and less CC from HK).

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