Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with my psychokino build

Hi guys, I’m going to play mainly kino that’s for sure, but i can’t tell which of the following builds is the one for my purpose that is pve mainly but not beeing totally useless at pvp (i believe a kino 3 cannot be useless at pvp but, anyway…). Here are the builds:

  1. Wiz 3 > Psy 3 > Warlock/Featherfoot (lacks cryo for combo and i don’t think that i can be good at pveeing as i want to with this)

  2. Wiz 3> Cryo > Psy3 (i do like this one, but i’m not sure if its worth just c1 cryo, perhaps the damage from PP+IW won’t be so devastating… besides, it is made of only low rank classes…)

  3. Wiz 1> Cryo > Psy3 > Sorcerer 2 (Seems nice, but lacks the damage from wombo combo just like the second build… also, i’m not sure about the synergize of sorcerer with this choices, maybe too high cost of sp)

  4. Wiz 1> Cryo3 > Psy 3 (kinda weird, only low rank classes aswell but would unite what i most like in each class, at the cost of not having wiz 3, of course)
    As you can see I really like psychokino and cryomancer and also like quickcast from wizz 3 but i can’t have all of them without sacrificing at least one… I know that the answer is in my goal that is pve but i dunno which choice is the best for that… Can you help me? You can suggest another builds if you like too, anything is welcome!! Thanks!!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english
    Here are the links for the builds in tos base (sorry for not posting that earlier!) :





use this so we can see you plan more visually :wink:

and Welcome to the Psychos :blush:

Thank you!! I’ve edited the post with the link for each build!

I can’t really tell you which build would be optimal…if any. But I will give you recommendations on how you should build a C3 Psychokino.

  1. Telekinesis is a great skill to max for single target damage.
  2. More levels in Swap allows you to hit more than 1 target with it. The effect radius is quite small, so up to Lv 5 is good enough.
  3. Teleport’s distance at Lv 1 is awful. If you want to just get a quick getaway skill, then I guess it’s fine, but more levels will definitely help. Also note that you can use the arrow keys to control the direction to teleport to.
  4. There’s no reason to get Magnetic Force above Lv 1. You won’t be using it for the damage.
  5. Max Raise. More duration. More targets you can hit with it.

Also, Cryo C1 is enough for the wombo combo, don’t worry about that.

Welcome to the Kinos!

I’ve been having similar problems trying to decide what to include with my psycho, and it really depends on how you want to play.

My issue is making sure I have enough abilities with low enough cooldowns that I don’t have moments where I’m auto-attacking, while also not running out of SP and having some control of the battlefield. Also damage :slight_smile:

  • Going sorcerer or necro is obviously best if you enjoy playing with pets, and it would have some good consistent damage.

  • Cryo is best for its CC and the ice wall combo with PP. I think the ice shard damage increases just from your matk, so no need for more than C1?

  • Warlock adds a LOT of damage with longish cooldowns, but not much else.

Personally I’d go for wiz3 > cryo1 > psycho3. Lots of damage and control, ice wall combo and quick cast for insane PP damage.

Hope this helps!

Are you sure about that? At lvl 10 it does ~1500 + [attr dmg] if imc sticks to the latest kToS changes. wouldnt that be enough to justify 10 points in magnetic force?

i am just curious since I hear alot about psychokino c3 just being viable in pvp. :slight_smile:

Thank you for replying! I’ll adapt the build to your tips. I really have that doubt about magnetic force’s damage, saw a video of that skill at 10/15, seems dealing no relevant damage! I’ll make it Lv1, thanks!

Good to hear that hahah It will be c1 cryo then! Thank you!!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I have that same feeling about relying on AA, seems miserable to me hahaha Let me ask you, do you think there’s a problem on taking this order: wiz > cryo > kino > wiz > wiz > kino > kino, just for leveling issues? You know, to make it easier? And also, don’t you think that a build made only of low rank classes might be not so good?

If you do that, you gotta make sure all your points are well spent and commit to that.

The great advantage of moving to the next circle is that you can save points from a previous circle to spend on the next one. If you break the “chain” you can’t do that, you have to spend all of your points before changing classes.

Oh, that’s true, wasn’t taking that detail in consideration… so better stick to the wiz 3 cryo kino 3 but, what about the ‘only low ranks’ thing? It’s the main question i’ve got now :frowning:

Yes, this might be a problem on the long run.

Imho you should drop Wiz 3 and go for Rank 6-7 classes. Quickspell is a good skill and increase your chanelling skills damage but does not worth sacrificing two high ranks for it. Going for Rank 6-7 classes grants you more skills which can be used to do more damage if you manage to come up with a good rotation. But this option might not be fun for you.

If you allow me one more tip: just have fun dude, go for stuff that sounds fun to you, who cares if you’re not the most powerful wizard out there? As long as you are having fun, you’ll play the game for a long time. Going for a boring path that prioritizes power optimization over fun might lead you to quit. If you are not motivated to play, you quit, simple as that.

What i mean with that is: Go for WizC3>Cryo>KinoC3 if you want, nobody can judge you for that.

Thank you again iEden! You helped me alot =) I might drop wiz 3, will think about it! Actually, seeing all this ‘wiz 3 is a must have’ over the forum convinced me to play that, was not in my initial plans hahaha I’ll see what fits me more, thanks!