Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with Cryomancer focued build

So I’m trying to make a Cryomancer focused build, since I just love ice magic. But I really need help on some things.

  1. I don’t really know any of the Rune Caster skills. So what would be good skills to choose?

  2. What would be a good rank 7 class to go with this build?

  3. Anything else I should change?


  • no lethargy for bonus EQ damage
  • no reflect shield but useless level 5 energy bolt
  • level 1 gust … and snow rolling 5…
  • level 5 freeze shield…
  • level 5 ice wall
  • left out 10 skill points in rune caster…
  • no rank7

PS: Ice Rune … gives only bonus to non groudn skills (the ice tree wont get bonus, but the cc from it is still good.)

Just in case you didn’t realise I was asking for help. I asked what other runecaster skills I should choose, and what rank 7 I should take.

I don’t really know what skills are good, which was a reason why I came here for help.

I think for Cryo you should pick at least 1 rank of Psychokino to synergize Ice Wall with Psychic Pressure, and for Rune Caster it’s really good to have Wizard C3 because of the long casts of Rune Caster’s abilities, so a build would go something like this:

Wizard C3 > Cryo > Psychokino > Rune Caster > ???

Now for the 6th rank you can decide between taking Warlock, another rank of Cryo/Psychokino or wait until rank 8 classes get announced to decide what do you want.

I’d rather focus on Cryomancer than Rune Caster though. So I would really like to have Cryomancer c3.

Also, I’ve heard that ice wall + physchic pressure isn’t worth it after the nerf which happened a while ago?

I should let you know that, i’m not a Cryomancer expert, but here is my 2cents on the matter.


Energy Bolt to 1. Level 5 just increases SP cost while providing little damage increase. You won’t be using this skill at higher levels so there’s no reason to overlevel it.

Reflect Shield to 5. I’m not sure if it stacks with Subzero Shield but, even if it doesn’t, it’s a very useful skill to have, may save your ass multiple times.

Sleep and Earthquake are ok, you can switch things up and go Sleep 4 and Earthquake 5 or you can drop Sleep for Lethargy.


Frost Pillar. Not sure about this one but if ToSBase descriptions are accurate, level 1 is more than enough. Level 5 doesn’t increase freeze chance and the duration increase is minimal.

Ice Bolt to 1 would be a good idea since you have other hardhitting skills. Use it to freeze enemies from a distance, it’s attributes provides great freezing chance.

Subzero Shield to 10. Leveling increases freeze chance and duration making it recastable after the effect fades.

Gust 10. Subzero Shield or Ice Bolt buffed with attributes to freeze enemies and then blast the targets with Gust.

Ice Pike is ok.

This leaves you with 8 points in which case you could go Snow Rolling 5 and Ice Wall just for Cryorites.

It would be something like this:

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Above rank 6, it’s preferences.

And psychokino makes icewalls into galting guns.
Or leave out psycho and get help from your party mates to hit your ice walls.

Use the search function… there’s hundreths of topics about builds xD.

The other option you can take if you don’t want Rune Caster at all is:

Wiz C1 > Cryo C3 > Chronomancer C3

Though this one turns more into a kind of support build instead of a DPS based one, with lots of CC from both Cryo and Chrono and buffs from Chrono.

This is a lie. Check one of my videos:

It’s still good as hell. Psychic Pressure now consumes less SP too which is great.

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Simply put:
If you prefer to keep Rune Caster, trade Linker for Psychokino.
If you prefer to keep linker, trade Rune Caster for Linker2.

Major points:

  • max subzero shield
  • few more points in ice wall for psychic pressure combo
  • other Rune Caster skills are okay but pretty bad without Quick Cast in a lot of situations. As long as you have Isa the rest is really your call. Rune of Protection is more useful than Rune of Destruction and Rune of Justice in the long run.

Like others said theres sooo many threads with finer details in the wizard section. Check em out if you’re interested.

Very interesting use of ice wall to create a prison, didn’t know you could amplify the damage so much just by doing that. How do you supplement your damage in the field/bosses when ice wall/psychic pressure is down though? The rest of cryomancer’s skills don’t do all that much damage.

Btw your video was very informative as well. The description helped a lot. Gave you a like :smiley:

Here’s the thing my build is: Wizard > Cryomancer > Psychokino C3 > Alchemist C2. On that video i was at Level 42-48 and Psychokino C1.

My damage comes from the following skills: Ice Pike, Ice Bolt (The video shows me using Ice Blast but i dropped it for Ice Bolt), Psychic Pressure (comboing with Ice Wall or not), Telekinesis, Gravity Pole and Magnetic Field. I might use Earthquake sometimes to do AoE damage even if it’s just a little bit.

If you decide to go Wizard>CryoC3>PsychokinoC1>Rune Caster>? your options are going to be: Ice Pike, Gust, Snow Rolling, Psychic Pressure, Telekinesis, Rune of Destruction (possibly) and whatever skill Rank 7 class provides you.

Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

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Um I think I didn’t phrase my question properly. Actually what I meant was cryo’s damage aside from ice wall + psycho pressure is pretty low. While the wombo combo skill is on cooldown do you still manage to do enough aoe damage to mobs or is it mostly a waiting game?

Oh and one more question: Is gust really that good? I’ve heard it got buffed recently but I don’t know whether its a good skill in general.

Edit: I also noticed you put a lot of points into swap for your psychokino. Is there a reason why you need so many charges for swap?

Wombo Combo hahahahaha good memories of that video. Answering your question: At early stages, not really. I mean, you still have Ice Pike, Earthquake and Telekinesis to do some damage but most of the time you’ll find yourself running around and auto-attacking, SP is also a concern at this point.

When you reach Rank 4-5 on the other hand, things change a lot and you’re able to do lots of damage even without the combo. You get more skills to throw around, scale the damage of the previous ones and SP is no longer an issue so you can spam stuff.

Gust is good because it hits frozen enemies 3 times and you’re basically a freezing machine. With the attribute it also hits unfrozen enemies, but only 2 times.

The build i proposed above was for you. I did that because since you might not go for Psychokino C2 the points needed to go somewhere and Swap is a good skill to get you out of danger or to position enemies right where you want them.

THIS is my build:

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I see. Looking at your current build you invested quite heavily into spr. Do wizards have that much problems with sp? I read that wizards get 10% increase in their int at each rank so wouldn’t you get a lot more damage with a int heavy build?

I’ve also decided to go a rune caster build. Wiz-> cryo -> psycho -> cryo 3 -> rune caster -> featherfoot. Not sure about the r7 job though. Cryo already does so much damage with the combo. I’d like to take a job that has does good aoe but non of the jobs available seem all good. Best actually seems to be featherfoot =/

Every rank up provides 10% Int, that’s correct.

It says Int 1:1 Spr but i’m going with this until SP is not a problem anymore. After that Int 2:1 Con is the way to go.

It’s also worth notice that Spr provides a wide range of sub-stats not SP only.

From ToS Base Wiki:

SPR (Spirit)
Increases max SP pool by 13.
Increases SP recovery rate by 1.
Increases block penetration by 1.
Increases magic defense by 0.2.
Note: SPR increases the potency of several buffs, debuffs and healing skills, making it a useful stat for support oriented Cleric classes.

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You’ve really been a lot of help! Just hope you can entertain one last question haha. How do you know what is the right amount of spr for you? Because it might be the case where you just had to wait a few more levels and the problem would have solved itself.

I can’t be certain for sure but if i end up spending more points than necessary it won’t hurt me that much. Also, more sp recovery and larger sp pool is not bad, is it? Hahahahaha.

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Psycho 3 is so underrated…

It’s one heck of a wizz class.

Good cc.
And raise is just op … if you have an archer in your team, that uses twohandbows. Against non fyler… it doubles the damage of your archer dps.

WORKS IN PVP~ if they didnt rework it…

I know right? I can’t believe people are still saying it’s a bad class dude.

And it got buffed as well

Gravity Pole is soooo goooooood!

  • Does damage like Psychic Pressure
  • Increase your evasion by 50% while using it.
  • Enemies pulled by Gravity Pole, have their physical defense decrease by 30%
  • And of course damage increased by 100%

If you have an archer on your team, combos would have an amazingly destructive potential. There’s an archer skill that pierces through enemies right? Imagine that comboed with Gravity Pole, just beautiful.

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