Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with Cryomancer+Featherfoot build!

Guys, i will start leveling a mage and i’m with some difficulties… My intention is make a build using Cryomancer + Featherfoot, but my difficult is:

1- Featherfoot practically need Linker in the build cuz has a very good synergy.

2- Cryomancer combo very well with Psyco because of combo IW + PP.

So i do not know what to do, cuz in my opinion the Linker and Psyco only work well being in the circle 2, in the case of Linker to link more mobs for Featherfoot and in case of Psyco to hit more Walls of Ice wall, so i do not could put the two in the same build, there would be the following:

  • Wiz > Cryo3 > Linker2 > Featherfoot

  • Wiz > Cryo3 > Psy2 > Featherfoot
    *Wiz> Cryo2 > Psy2 > Linker > Featherfoot (maybe this is the worst choise)

    Someone experienced could help me choose the right build or make some adjustments ?
    Give your opinions please, thank you.

u must have linker, I think best build with feather is Wiz > Pyro 2 or 3 > Linker 2 > chrono or linker 3 > feather

I’m not someone that plays FF but wouldn’t wiz 2, at very least, be important? The channel skill will just get interrupted straight away otherwise.

Thanks for the help, but i want do Cryo>FF. However, i dont think pyro is a good choise, cuz the FF have skills with rapid cast and low range, so he need a class with CC or more resistance, like Cryo…

Sorry, what mean Channel skills? Wiz c2 just get Surespell, but Cryo, Linker and FF havê skills with rapid cast, they dont need Surespell…

You, actually, don’t need more than one circle on Psychokino. Psychic Pressure Lv.5 hits 9 targets which is more than the IW cells you can produce granted that you don’t take more than 8 levels on IW.

I came up with this alternate build:

You can drop Linker C2 for Wizard C3 which grants you more time on Surespell, Magic Missile and Quick Cast.

Like this:

Or you can go with this

Keep in mind that more ranks will be available later and is in you best interest to build something that can be adjusted no matter what lies ahead.

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I liked the alternate 3, but the combo will not be weak with iw lvl 8 + pp lvl5? In your opinion what will be better:
*Alternate 3

I havê in mind that will have more ranks, but i’ll probably invest on FF circles…

In my build i use IW Lv.5 with Psychic Pressure Lv.10 (soon 15) but you should know that the damage of this combo comes from the shards and not the skills themselves and scales with your Magic Attack.

Of course more cells produces more shards that leads to more damage but you’ll find out eventually that 9 cells is the optimal number if you intend to use IW+PP combo. There are other combos that benefit from more IW cells like IW+Energy Blast, but for your purposes Lv.8+Lv.5 is good enough.

For that reason Alternate 3 is not only viable but powerful,

Wiz > Cryo C3 > LinkC2 > FF robs you the combo but provides interesting possibilities. Your CC and support abilities will be awesome and FF grants you good damage as well. Keep in mind that until Rank 7 your damage is gonna be low because you’re picking a defensive and a support class until Rank 6.

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feather foot best play with linker because bloodbath is single target skill. and you can link 5 mobs up and use bloodbath with demon,insect,beast type the bleeding effect will work all mob that linked.(beware this skill is a bit hard to use because it’s very short stab range.)

cyro cc spell will work well with sucking blood skill because the skill will cancel when you re attacked by mob. wizard sleep can be use too but not much effective.

both skill don’t do damage much bloodbath lv5 int base stat do dmg around 20-30k.

so featherfoot is all about sustainbility for solo player. you don’t use much pot, campfire less often. when ranout of hp just use bloodsucking. can gain 10k hp easily with a group of mob. downside is when it’s not demon,insect,beast you can do dmg but don’t gain hp at all.

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Featherfoots Blood Sucking skill or whatever. You have to stand there and channel it, same with kinos PP.

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Thanks, you helped a lot, now im thinking if i go Wiz>Cryo3>Link2>Ff or alternate 3, i liked both.
If you havê another advice will still helping!

You can’t go wrong with both builds but i know how maddenning the choice can be so this might help you decide:

  • Instead of choosing one of the builds, choose the role you want to perform or feel more comfortable on and then pick the one that enables you to do so.

  • If the previous tip fail, pick the one you think might be fun playing. It’s a fact that most players go for what is strong and that’s definitely not a synonym for fun and the more fun you have, the longer you’ll play the character and therefore the game.

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