Tree of Savior Forum

Need help on what to pick for Rank 10

Hi. (Occasionally) returning player here. I mostly play PvE and I’m currently undecided on what to pick for Rank 10. Here’s my build:

Wiz 1 > Pyro 2 > Linker 2 > Sorc 1 > Sage 1 > FF 2.

My build doesn’t really really on high damages. It’s more on Linker skills + Fire Pillar + Blood Sucking or any FF/Sage skills. I picked Sorc to have a Summon tank for me.

My options are FF 3 for more damage or Rune Caster, mostly for the Rune of Protection and its Maintain Casting attribute since it’s a pain when my spells get cancelled. I know I’ll more likely get recommendations to get FF 3 but I’m still looking for more opinions.

Rank Reset


Do not listen those scams and play what you want. Ff3 is nice choice btw, enervation is godly skill.

I don’t get it…which skills that actually got cancelled and what’s the purpose of Sage in that build.

FF’s blood sucking gets cancelled easily without surespell-esque skills.

Doesn’t the surespell effect for RoP only work for the skill itself? FF doesn’t really need surespell that much since you’d be flying most of the time, immune to most damage. And you’ll only need like 2-3 seconds of bloodsucking and you’ll already be at full health.

Sorry, in my opinion this build is a bit messy, but as long as you are having fun that’s good.

I’d say go FF3 to get longer duration of levitation (to dodge some attacks) since you lack surespell. If you are willing to rank reset but keep your build’s theme, I would take out either sage or sorcerer and add wizard2.

Did you take sage for missile hole? If you combine it with levitation does that make you immune to most attack damages?

Btw I assume you are full INT since you said sorcerer is just for tanking?

For a build with 2 circles of r8 class, I’d go with the 3rd circle. So +1 for FF3.

I do not get your build at all but yeah your best bet is FF3 because it’ll increase your damage by a lot with higher levels on kundela/blood curse, unlock a lot of very powerful attributes like “curse of curses”, “cursed blood” and the new “witch doctor”, AND on top of it all you unlock enervation that synergizes well with pyro multi hit skills.

Have fun with whatever you’re trying to do

It’s definitely fun for me compared to spamming Ngadhundi and Kundela Slash. Gives me more ways to do things instead of following some meta.

I’m mostly INT with 32k HP and crappy equips (compared to those high-end equipment). Sage for me is more on utility with Portal and positioning with Blink (pretty much helped me position myself to maximize my Linker and CC skills).

Most of the mobs that I usually encounter are actually range types (e.g., Black Hohen Mane, Black Hohen Gulak) so it doesn’t really matter if I’m levitating or not (Blood Sucking will also just get cancelled). Also a pain in the ass to land Ngadhundi and Kundela Slash sometimes if the mobs are small. I mostly just use it when fighting bosses.

I’m not mainly reliant on FF. Spamming Ngadhundi and Kundela Slash (or relying on one class) isn’t just fun for me. In regards to RoP, I’ll probably confirm it after the update since we’ll get rank resets.