Tree of Savior Forum

Need help for Wiz 3 builds

Hi. I’m trying to build a Wizard 3 with plans to make a Thaumaturge 3 and Runecaster. However, as I’m reading more and more into it, the more that I’m getting discouraged to get Thauma.

Is it still viable to go Wiz 3 --> Thauma 3 --> RC?
Or are there any builds good for a full INT Wiz 3 build (aside from Elementalist which is an obvious answer… I’m just asking for alternatives)?

Haven’t seen anyone do it, but I would be extremely interested in seeing it - I think wiz 3 pyro 3 warlock would be pretty great. You would give up linker which helps pyromancer a decent amount, but, idk. I just think it’s a cool build. Hell you could also give up warlock for linker 1 if you really wanted.

Something else I’ve seen people do which is alright is wiz 3 -> linker -> sorc 2->warlock

wiz3 has many paths, thaumaturge is only popular at c1 if any.

wiz3ele3warlock is so meta it is disdain incarnate. wiz3cryo1pyro1kino1rune1 is a new one ive seen that looks fun to play. wiz3linker1sorc1necro2 or necro1warlock1 is what my wizard is going. wiz3linker1sorc2warlock is considered the best dps summoner. wiz3linker3 will be strong with any class once 10 ranks is the cap (lifeline and joint penalty for strong party buff and aoe support, wiz3 for quickcast to buff any future class) and more.

I’m just intrigued by all the swelling and how it syncs good with RC abilities.

others say thau at c1 is not that good? but seems to me if you’re able to max attribute of swell left you’d just be loosing about 90-100 damage and the duration, and it will roughly give you 200matk/patk which is like another weapon. ofc c2 is so much better if you can put it in your build since swell right doubles it.

But if you’re into the swell body, shrin body and transpose c1 would suffice. Think of swell left as just a bonus

eh, i could be totally wrong about thau as i haven’t read much into it. read some comments somewhere that the flat increase buff isnt worth entire circles. actually interested in feedback here because i haven’t considered going thau myself.

Wiz3>Thauma3>RC is kinda full support.

What’s good about this build is you will heavily buff future high-damaging skills from higher ranks.

Unfortunately, right now, you’re leveling life could be very boring as a support for parties.

I deleted my Wiz3>Thauma2 coz i got bored as hell. Life of a buffer is not for me.

I agree, it’s very hard to level… :frowning:

Well, this build is not bad at all actually it is an amazing support with the best AoE in game. What matter here is the order of your classes, Wiz3>Thauma2>RC>Thauma3. From RC you will take “Rune of Destruction” as soon as possible since it is the best AoE dps in game (if you use it to kill single traget it sucks). Now, I strongly advice you to get Cafrisum asap and buying “Sacrament” and “Blessing” from pardoners since you will be autoattacking a lot, good thing is that your autoattack is extremly high (compared to other mages) since you will be adding attack with your buffs and also using Quick Cast attribute. Now it is boring until you reach Wiz3 (around lvl 42), after that is pretty easy until you reach Thauma2 (change is around 126, but it is not hard inmediatly, it becomes complicated after 140). And then it goes fun again once you reach RC (around lvl 177). Now, you will shine in party, playing this class alone is a bit meh. Now, most people will think you class is useless (ignorants) so it is a bit hard to find party but those who know the game will love to take you with them to world bosses and grind… if they don’t have a Chronomancer.

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