Tree of Savior Forum

Need help for Shadowmancer advancement

I can’t seem to understand how this pre-requisite works… I’m on my wits end.

Here a picture of what shows up everytime I try to use the research device that the shadowmancer trainer keeps telling me.

PS: Is there any full guide for these pre-requisite tasks?

forget to become shadowmancer! ITS SO FRICKIN HARD!

the shadow spawn every hour… the moment the shadow spawn, its NOT GUARANTEE TO GET SHADOW TRACE! i do as instructed, catch a lot of shadow and IT DIDNT DROP A SINGLE SHADOW TRACE!

some one said HE NEED 2 HOUR just to get shadow trace in Khonot Forest… BUT IT WASNT AS HARD AS IN GUMIBULIAS FOREST!

the wolf shadow is as tricky as heck! its the hardest!

LOL i am still try to advancement, from 2 days ago… still not get the shadow trace…
but yeah, shadowmancer is the most powerfull nuker in wizard tree…

any wizard class stronger than shadowmancer spell? i will reroll…

You need to wait a device to spawn (up that one), then tank to it and you will be transformed in a shadow.
When you are a shadow tank to the shadow mob until they will drop you an item.

Keep doing it.
I needed 3/4 hrs to do it.

I have completed shadowmancer quest in 5 hours over 4 days, it’s not hard but rather… tedious.

On your specific question on pre-requisite tasks, to my understanding is none. Naturally, this is based on the 5 hours experience I went through.

As for a full guide, I will just relay to you what I have personally experienced and hopefully, it would be of use to you.

Strictly based on my opinion on the order of “the least tedious or easiness”,

  1. Namu Temple - The easiest of them all
    There will be 2 shadows(with black auras, quite distinctive with high graphic settings) and several passive shadows which you need to “step on”. To complete, you just run over these passive shadows. Personally completed during mid of 3rd attempt.

  2. Lhadar Forest - Easy with keen eyes and mouse mode
    There will be several(3?4?) mobs spawned with 3 different aura colours.
    (I did not take screenshots, I am sorry)
    A. Green
    B. Pink
    C. Teal / White

To complete, all you need to do is consistently hit the mob with the same aura colour. For instance, if you start with green, stick with it until the shadow trace loot pops up in your screen. Depending on how many mistakes you make, you may have to do this 2-3 times. Personally completed it at the first 10 kills of my 3rd attempt.

  1. Ghibulinas Forest - Easy but you need to focus
    To complete, just interact with the shadows. Care that there are “black gases” on the ground to avoid. Getting in contact with these black gases will cause you to be stunned (short duration). Personally completed in 2nd attempt.

  2. Khonot Forest - Most tedious of them all
    To complete, you need to interact with the blue-coloured pillar that appears just above the shadowmancer’s research device. Once you do, you turn into a shadow and you have to interact with other shadows that spawns. Ideal to do with keyboard mode.

All of the 4 areas have 1 thing in common:
The Shadows only appear during the event and respawns 1 hour from the last event.

Exactly what triggers the event is still unknown to me and perhaps someone else can shed some light on this for you.

I followed this guide.



Thank you guys so much for the help!

past 15 or so hours managed to only get Lhadar Forest shadow trace… this has got to be the most f’d up pre-requisite I have ever done.

I did every one of the trials at least 3-4 times, still nothing.

I am practically on the verge of a mental breakdown from a game that is supposed to be fun. :tired:

I think there is some hidden mechanic where the more shadows you collect the higher the chance of getting the traces. At first I couldn’t get any, even the ones claimed to be “Easy,” but after a certain point (maybe ~5 hours into doing the event) I got all of the traces pretty much one after another.

It probably will not take longer than a day if you check all the areas consistently and check all channels.

Another tip: Do a side-quest in the area of the tracers but do not turn it in. This will give you the ability to quickly warp using the quest and make rotating around the different maps quicker.

I actually finished it all like 3 hours after posting the last time.

I kept dropping them faster the more I did them (probably your theory is correct).

Did most of them like 2-4 more times, which totals around 8-10 times… Now that I wrote it out, I think its even more ridiculous than before.

It will be agonizing if the only thing you do is wait for the quest respawn, but if you play or do other things and check every once in a while it isn’t so bad.

@Tsugumi @SushiWushi @Sakanagi

I started with the most tideous one. I interacted with the blue pillar, turned into a shadow, and interacted with those shadow monsters, a message pops up saying “you stepped on a shadow”. I tried it for at least more than 20 times but still nothing. Did i do something wrong? Thanks.

Just keep doing it. Eventually you’ll get it.
It took me 3 times to get it. By this, I mean the blue thing expired and I had to wait for another.

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That’s the way with pretty much all the tests. Seems to be random whether or not you get it from each shadow, think of it like item hunting a rare drop…RNG mechanics for advancements always suck.

RNG… Right, totally forgot… Thanks