Tree of Savior Forum

Need help for Cryo3 - Chrono3 - Sage1

Hello Everyone!

I am a returning player and I’m currently reading and researching all over the internet but due to being overwhelmed, I cannot absorb anything. So I will truly appreciate you guys help me on some things.

My questions are:

  • Is Full CON cryo-chrono still viable both PVE and PVP? If not, are there any new stats builds out there?

  • Is Kino3-Chrono3 now better than the Cryo3-Chrono3 in terms of grouping up monsters in PVE and CC-ing in PVP?

  • What are the specific equipment I should have? Kindly give me choices for I’m currently lvl 280.

  • What Shields Should I use? I currently have Aias but I’m afraid it is outdated.

  • How about Necklaces and Bracelets? I’m seeing the potential of Rhevisan Bracelets due to CON but is that the only option I have? Necklace? Is Terranium better than Max Petamion? Or are there new better options?

  • What about weapons? I’m currently using Audra but is it still viable?

  • How about Headgear enchants? What should I prioritized?

  • Should I stack AOE attack ratio?


Glass Bracelets and Max Petamion will do you good for a long time.

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I can only answer a few of them if you don’t mind

  • Shields: Didel tower shield is also good and works universally. Aias is still more to PvP. If you can get that lion shield or emergand shield which is outrageous for a practo at the moment
  • Accessory: Max Petamion works universally. Get a terrallion if you can. It has better M def. Also try animus if you want more damage
  • Kino is PvP master. Cyro works both and has better CC
  • Not sure with aoe atk ratio. Why would you have that?
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Thanks for that. Hmm Aside from Glass Bracelets are there any other great options?


  • So should I let go of the Aias and Instead focus on getting Didel Tower Shield and work on the Emergand Shield later on?

  • Noted @ the necklaces but what abt the bracelets? Any suggestions?

  • For Kino3 Chrono3 Yeah I bet it’s more of a PVP support build.

  • Hmm all this time I though aoe attack ration increases the number of monsters i can group using the Frost Tree and also hurl with me on my Snow Rolling. :\

Well, many magic users try to go for Archmage Bangles since they boost magic attack and magic amplification, and iirc with upgrades they can provide magic defence on par with Glass Bracelets, but they’re harder to obtain.

Getting two Glass Bracelets and upgrading them to +4 will give you a solid defense. The big thing about them is that they have a secondary enchantment which is a further magic defense boost, which boosts their stats so they’re viable as endgame content gear.

Also, the Didel Tower Shield is a good thing to get since it also adds almost 100 magic defense, and has plenty of physical defense. There are better Practonium shields that offer similar but improved stats, but are obviously difficult to obtain. Emengard Shield is amazing, but requires TWO Practonium to craft, which is exceedingly difficult to obtain.

Of course, the endgame goal is a full set of Solomiki gear. :ok_hand:

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Yeah, pretty much like aqours said didel tower is better with more def and has m def. You can keep your Aias until you have Didel tower shield.
Aias is like I said, it’s a PvP shield enables you block often with better crit resist for physical opponent
Emergand is… well if you can afford them, then go for it. lion head shield is already OP enough.

since there aren’t many worth bracelet at the moment, Rhevisan is ok altough glass bracelet also on sub-par and easy to craft. but for damage, you can keep wizard bracelet or even Archmage bangle

it’s up to you if you want AoE atk ratio which is obiously nice but I still think that since cyro 3 is pretty much good on party, in PvE content, your DPS on party will do the job to kill mobs, no?(kill faster, can suck more mobs later)
so I would say that other HC option are more on priorty. You want more damage? M atk and M ampli. You want more survival? Mdef>Pdef>HP

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I’m sure I’m not familiar with the secondary enchantments. Tried to google it but found only “enchantment scroll” haha!

Does this mean that these are also the order of priority I must consider in Costume Enchants? And I hope you don’t mind but noob question; what is HC :joy:

Yes. HC= head costume

//20 char of wonders

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Thanks. I’m laughing at my self now :joy:

Bumping. Hopefully someone could answer the remaining questions. TIA <3

When I say secondary enchantment, I mean the additional bonuses besides the main Magic Defense stat. Like on a weapon, where it adds AoE Attack Ratio, dmaage against a certain type of enemy, etc. A fixed-value bonus that, in the case of the Glass Bracelet, is more magic defense.

Armorwise, I’ve been using a set of Superior Royal Guard plate armor with two level 5 yellow gems each in the tops and bottoms, and two level 5 blues in the boots. For the Gloves, I’m using the Prakeh Gloves form the level 230 Hunting Grounds (They give good magic defense and magic amplification).

Superior Royals are not too difficult to obtain and craft, and with gems inside 'em they’ll give you good protection through R8 content for the most part. If you can obtain it, the Grynas set is more idea, as it’s a plate armor set that also provides magic defense.

Only thing is, with the upcoming game changes, all armor types are going to be providing physical and magic defense, so assume that any gear is gonna become better.

Oh! The one you do with Alchemists! :open_mouth:

Hmm Should I take Grynas as a set or only the tops bottom and shoes then use Prakeh Gloves instead? What about Virtov Plate set? (Tho as far as checking, the components to craft it is TOO EXPENSIVE!)

Also hmm, I’m torn between using Audra or Didel Tower Shield + Rod (Ice Rod? or something)

No. Just the normal bonuses that the equipment has. Item Awakening (the alchemist thing) just adds an additional random bonus.

Generally you’d want to take tops, bottoms, and boots, for the 3-piece Plate Mastry bonus. The Gloves of plate and leather armor are useless for magic users, so you swap them out with cloth gloves.

You can certainly attempt to aquire a Virtov armor set, but it will take some time.