Tree of Savior Forum

Need help choosing the build for Wizard


I’m having trouble chosing a build for my wife. Both of us just started playing ToS. I’ve picked a Cleric to become healer/buffer and she decided to be a Wiz. I found some interestng builds for supports but couldn’t get any info on which Wiz build is best suited for noobs =)
Requirements are the followng:

  1. PvE only, both solo and party-oriented
  2. Simple (not too many buttons to make a decent DPS) =)

Would be glad to get your advices!

P.S. I’ve been at but couldn’t get which build is effective and noob-friendly.

Hello and welcome :slight_smile:

I mostly play Swordsman class characters, but how about :
Wiz1 > Pyro3 > Link2 > Thau1 > Sage1? Bit of DPS, bit of support imo.

I’m no expert on Wizards though, so don’t just take my word for it. I’m sure there will be people that would be more than willing to help. :slight_smile: Also, to be frank, some Clerics make better DPS ‘mages’ than Wizards.


Ok, thats so nice when a Staff give a ppl experience answer! <3

You can’t go wrong with pyro dps. As of now pyromancer with Agny necklace (quite easy to buy/obtain) makes other dps class look like a joke. So my advice is to go:

Wiz1>Pyro1 to Pyro 3 > Linker 1 to 3 > Sage 1

or you could just go upto linker 2 then go some class that can help (but you said you want less click so i guess going thauma would be a hassle, besides, thauma isnt on a good spot at the moment, their buff, altho useful, eats up buff slot)

You could also go: Wiz>Pyro 1 to 3> Chrono 1 to 3 > Sage 1

this build is more of a support without sacrificing alot of dps, you could go pyro 2 link 1 if you/your wife likes. that could also work.

Or the classic Wiz3>Elementalist3>Warlock2
Still decent dps, but pyro can do more dps as of now. Who knows, maybe warlock 3 will get an op skill someday (tho i wouldnt advice you to wait for rank 9 update)

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They actually does, my PD outdps pyros with agny sometimes, when I’m not knocked around like a soccer ball.

As for OP, you can go Pyro 2/3 > Linker2/Thauma3 > Sage.

Linker is nice but you will find some issues in certain maps, where some mob doesn’t get linked, but you can always find other maps to grind/farm, Thauma is good for support, yourself and team.

You will need the Agny Necklace, which drop the recipe from the dun 115 boss cube, material is a bit pain in the ass to get but it is worth it.

Small tip, try to get your hands on Ignition (rod) as soon as you can, be it recipe or already made (recipe drop from Lv 175 dun boss cube), and an arde or karacha dagger (so you can poke your fireballs, shield don’t allow that).

Also, grab all the gems you have and make 2 Blue Gems of at least Lv 6, you might get one by the time you hit 200, and you can farm more gems when you hit Workshop map (27x if I’m not mistaken) and make them faster since they drop Lv 3 gems there, too bad we don’t have Lv 4 dropping in the new dungeons.

Put them in the Ignition and you can use it till you grab a Lv 315 wand or staff.


Wow, that’s a lot of useful information. Thanks a lot.
Could you please provide a link to for the first build you mentioned? I’m not sure which skills to level.

Thanks for the tip.

One more question to ask: are there any decent builds like…
Wiz 1 > Cryo * > ???
Or ice is for PvP mostly ?

You can go with Cryo no problem, the most popular ones involve Rune Caster due to the Ice buff it have, but it only work for direct attacks like Ice Bolt, it doesn’t work on deployables like Ice Wall, not sure tho if it affect the shards from the wall.

Someone with more experience can explain better.

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Basically, since cryo doesn’t have much damage on it’s own but a lot of CC, still snow rolling and above everything, frost pillar are a really good skills for PvE. Once again is way better for PvP since those skills offers CC but not much damage, so the optimal way to go for a PvE cryo would be a full con supportive one.

This rune affects icepressure combo (cryo’s ice wall + kino’s psychic pressure), being a godlike burst skill, has a lot of CD on the other hand tho.
So yea, I guess than even hitting icewall with basics while having rune of ice will deal a lot more damage.

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Ah so it does affect the shards, but not the damage the wall provoke when a monster touch it I guess.

Even so, it’s a good thing, do it affect Snow Rolling?

Don’t know about snow rolling, cryo c3 - kino 1 - RC is the cookie cutter RC build.

As stated before, even going full CON icepressure deals massive damage, also has lot of CC and rune of ice affects skills such as frost cloud. So it’s more like a supportive wiz with burst combo.

If I would have to guess, I would say that it do affects snow rolling, but I won’t be expecting a nice damage.

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I was going by the skill description, since it states it doesn’t affect deployable skills, well maybe it’s bugged or not properly codded.

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I saw that you are interested in Cryomancer for your waifu.
I know that sounds completely off for you know but basic RPG knowledge doesn’t apply to Tree of Savior.
What you can think about is…

Cleric 2 - Diev 3 - Miko/Kannushi - Plague Doctor 2

which functions as your main dps. Trust me it works and the Doctor has very good synergy with Cryomancer as support Wizard. By the way, wizards are not meant to be DPS here. Pyro is just some dps before it gets nerfed.
Just look at recent “buffs”:
The supposed to be Rank 7 DPS focused damage class for Wizards, Warlock, was reduced to be a buffer for clerics. That’s how it is here.
So for your wife:

Wiz 1 - Cryo 3 - Chrono 3 - Enchanter

Noteable combos:

  • Snowrolling + Incineration. Probably the most beautiful combo in the game and deadly to every content even in Solmiki.
  • Frost Tree + Hamaya or Poison or Incineration.
    Forst Tree is one of the best spells after all.
  • Pass + Clap for eternal statues

And please ignore tosbase it’s as outdated as it gets and bloated with builds made by people that don’t even play Tree of Savior.
Also you might find guides about go Sage to support Diev which is bullshit as Micro Dimension duplicates scale of the wizard damage which is low on a support build. Enchanter boosts the best support so far.

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Yeah, I’ve read some topics here and there to understand that knowledge from previous games won’t help me here =)
And what you offered seems really interesting, but the problem is that both of us (me and my wife) are new to ToS. And when I come into new MMORPG project I always begin searching info on various builds etc. But it’s kinda hard to do in ToS. For example, Kaolin (see above) advised me to build Wiz1>Pyro1 to Pyro 3 > Linker 1 to 3 > Sage 1. That’s great, but I got no clue which skills/stats to level. Same goes to Wiz 1 - Cryo 3 - Chrono 3 - Enchanter.
And if tosbase is obsolete (in terms of skills?), how can a player easily tell what skills to level at each rank? With skill calc it would be a matter of few clicks and providing a link. Aren’t there any other skill calcs except tosbase?
In any case Wiz 1 - Cryo 3 - Chrono 3 - Enchanter feels interesting. By the way, how such combo or classes would feel in a full party (in some dung probably)? Would I be as effective as cleric2 + priest 2 builds in terms of healing/buffing?.
Sorry for being annoying. I’m just curious about… Everything =)
And I’m too used to “easy” methods of character building (like copy-paste first character, and try to invent something only after get some knowledge about the game).

Fireball and flame Pillar definitely max out. Firewall is better at 15 pts. Flame ground better at 10 pts. Enchant fire 5 pts if you go pyro2.

Chrono best at 3 circles. As for how it plays in random party, everyone will love your wife for it no matter the composition.

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The cryo chrono build is pretty flexible, just note that pass and haste are a must to max in chrono, frost pillar for cryo.

And no, you are not as effective as cleric c2, priest c2, cryo chronos provide support and CC by using pass, haste and frost pillar. If you ask me, i would go sage instead of enchanter because of missile hole which is the current meta right now.

as for stats. generally go full int if you are looking to deal damage as a magic att class. (exceptions that I can think of are featherfoot). If you decide to go with cryo chrono, go full con, a dead support is a bad support.

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Tosbase is obsolate for everything. It was the first site and is still as bad as it has been. is an up to date database without people spamming theory builds to confuse new players.

Trial and error. Or ask like you did. But many people are just meta golems flowing with the stream and are talking about stuff they don’t even have a clue about. It’s hard for newcomers, really hard.
The good news: Skill reset is not really expensive. As long as you don’t mess up stats too much and the build everything is fine and can be fixed so the most important thing is that you have fun with your classes and enjoy the game. :slight_smile:

Note about the builds: Leftover skill points are to your liking. Not really needed. In your case I would save these and use the points when you are more into the game and think you have a use for it.

The Plague Doctor:
It’s DPS. The one that wants to play the damage character should go for this one. But the support is also strong. Sidenote I main this build and did all quests in the game on all maps alone. Not why I had to but I wanted to to see how it goes. Even stronger in a party.
Without strong gear the damage against high mdef monsters is a bit lacking but given you are playing in a duo stack that’s no problem because the Enchant Lightning buff together with Agny Necklace boosts Incineration strong, which is strong enough already to kill mdef monsters with decent speed, to a level where you can kill groups really fast.

If you want to min/max with endgame gear in mind: Full Int.
If you want to enjoy your first playthrough: 100 Con, rest Int.

The Enchanter:

I often party (especially in my endgame group) with a Cryo Chrono Enchanter. It’s the king of buff support.
Haste is movement speed which is simply amazing for the open fields.
Pass is CD reset for most skills with just 60cd cooldown.
And the Cryomancer stuff is the dream of CC and fun to play.

Full Con.

This is never something one should feel sorry for. Especially when the public intel is as limited as it can get.

Perfect. The party is set for everything with just these 2 characters anything else is an extra. Physical damage dealers are a very nice addition to the party.

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Thank you again!
This time I got only one question left (as for now). If PD is good at supporting, is there a need in a “pure” healer in party (in dungeons, not in party of 2)?
TBH I prefer to support, not deal damage. But if this build is capable of both, I will definitely play it!

And my wife still wants to deal dmg, not being a support. So she went pyro (I guess she might change her mind later and start another wiz, when we reach end-game content).

Any glues on what to level for dmg pyro?

main idea for dps pyro is:

Fireball max
Fire pillar max
Fire wall is an all or nothing skill.
I find flame ground to be weak, just cast it whenever you have it.
Flame breath is okay.

a full dps pyro is quite strong, but the way endgame goes, a sage is too good to not have in my opinion due to missile hole. When your wife says “doesnt want to support” its a bit of a dilemma because pyro skills shine with linker in it (thanks to joint penalty). Linker comes with a lot of utility like spiritual chain and usually c2 is enough but a lot of people are going pyro c3>linker c3>sage.

Wizards have a weird but fun place in TOS, they can now dps as pyros and provide good support. Littlesamson’s miner build is pretty good as a pyro with utillity support where it can buff itself and party for more dps.

If you want to support, I think using dev 3 or running a miko chaplain can be pretty good as they can still do damage while being pretty hard to kill in PVE.

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In dungeons you don’t even need a healer.
Or in general. For high level grind map 1 is sufficient and for endgame content Diev 3 support is very good because of silence and invulnerability statue.
The support of Diev Doctor is also very good because of that.

Sidenote you could simply swap chars. Back then I wanted to play a fire mage and burn down stuff so I rolled Plague Doctor.
Pyro is a bit annoying because melee attacks kick fireballs away and some spells remove your fire spells and it’s going to be nerfed soon. Just saying, the hype at the moment is real that’s all. But it might still be a good starting class I think.

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