Tree of Savior Forum

Need help C3 Sorceror

I am going to do C3 Sorceror Because I love the gimmic. Rexipher seems neat so I might use it. Not sure on tier list for summons.


Full Spr
this is the build I currently have

I want C3 Sorc period if you guys have any other build ideas that work with this Id welcoem it

Thauma’s swell left/right hand buffs have attributes for summons, so you might want to take that Thauma2 just for those attributes.

If you wanted to, you could go cryo1 instead of wiz2. Frozen enemies take +50% dmg from lightning property attack, which will create better synergy with your enchanter as well as melee/missile based characters in your party that have their attacks turned into lightning.

Additionally this would allow you to use Hydra cards since there aren’t many red cards that are good for that build (Chappa, Centaurus are the only two I can think of that would be ok with that build and the former is somewhat bad since you aren’t bursty).

I would also take one point off of attack ground and put it into Evocation. It is a filler 1k% damage skill that you can quickly cast in your rotation, so 1 point investment is worth it imo.

If you don’t like enchanter, Sage or shadowmancer also work well since you have linker. They will deal higher burst but less support for the party in things like velcoffer…

sorc c3 just sux… most of ppl even not going sorc2 atm ._. sad truth :C

I think this build makes more sense. Mostly support, with summons to deal some damage.

Linker3 has spirit shock that deals damage based on SPR.

Thaum1 swell left arm for summon’s attribute.

You can switch out wiz2 for cryo if you want. Wiz2 shares sure spell and supports with sleep, lethargy, EQ. Cryo freezes stuff.

I’m not too familiar with sorc C3’s skills, so you figure the skill points…

I wonder if Sorc C3 is the most avoided C3, the bonus to Summon is so… small, seeing how Thauma gives the same 10% at C1 (C2 if you want defense) while also giving you some utility Swell.
I wonder if we’ll ever get a rework to summon two bosses instead of just one+morph.
Thauma 3 also gives additional damage with Swell Brain (seeing how you’re planning Full SPR) + 150 Second Quick Cast.
Though… on second thought, you won’t need Quick Cast as a Sorc.

Off topic here, don’t you guys think it’s kinda weird that quick cast and sure spell belong to Wizard? Wizard doesn’t even have any skills that require cast time (other than the old Energy Bolt. And I think sleep have cast time, but don’t need full charge).

Not really. It makes sense since distributing interlocking skill interactions encourages players to craft new builds. Although Wiz3 has no real reason to have Quickcast, it imposes opportunity costs that are neither too steep or too convenient. I’ll get to the latter one later.

For the first point, imagine getting Quckcast as a Rune Caster. Not only would you be getting QC at R6. but you’ll also have to spend time or silver to unlock it–an example of an extremely steep opportunity cost. Consider Thauma, for example.Thauma increases M.Atk and gives Quickcast without having any damage skills to it. Thauma doesn’t need Quickcast (fr. Swell Brain) nor can it take advantage of the bonus M.Atk it receives since it has no damage skills. Wiz3 is perfect since Ele can only be acquired at R4 and farming out QC allows the Ele to spend its points more meaningfully. Thau 3 is perfect since the entire class is usually taken as a damage supplement for later classes such as Shadow, Onmy and the RC-based support builds especially since Thau needs no gimmicks to transfer its buffs to anyone and it happens to be the best support a Wizard could ask for.

This what we would call synergy. It’s a condition that arises from a game’s balance that encourages diversity. There are, of course, two types of synergy: a positive and a negative one. The positive one arises when there are explicit or implied interactions between any group of effects. The best example of this would be the Quickcast benefitting RC, Ele, and Onmy. The negative one is caused when the lack of a necessary component forces players to explore outside a known comfort zone. The best example of this would be the Shadowmancer ground-only attributes. What this does is force players to tinker with builds to find an appropriate and satisfying combination of classes. Now, suppose Ele or Omny had innate Quickcast. There would be very little reason for people to pick any other classes other than these two (Except maybe Onmy since the class benefits a lot from Thaum).

TL;DR: I just woke up and I don’t think I made any sense :no_mouth:

That said, I miss the days when Wiz3 had a bonus 50% to magic damage.