Tree of Savior Forum

Need Feedback for my DPS Archer Build TY

Archer C2 for swift step level 10 crit attrib and oblique+kneeling for leveling
Hunter C1 for additional pet DPS
Scout C1 for survivability(camouflage & cloak)
Fletcher C2 for Awesome Damage
-Broadhead for bleeding additional damage
-Bodkin huge damage + remove wiz reflect shield
-Barbed for additional hits depending on armor type
-Cross fire for huge AOE
For other skills I don’t think I need them?

Move here and I’ll help you out. 🍄 Archer builds/ Skill synergies / Mechanics etc Megathread! 🍄

How to delete? theres no option telling you to delete it. and Ive replied to your topic thanks.

I… I guess you can’t? I made a test thread in offtopic to check. Oh well, just let it die I guess.