Tree of Savior Forum

Need advice - Returning player

Hi there,
I stopped playing TOS just before the Fishing thing came out. I just met the new Klaipeda yesterday and found quite sad that Orsha cant be our initial homes anymore.

I left with a Wiz-Cryo3-Chrono3-Sage full CON at that time and the whole combination was quite cool as I remember. Using Haste, Frost Pillar and Pass was one of the most important roles in leveling and running DG.

However, i logged in and found a whole new character.
Cryo skills uses reagents; Frost Pillar dont even push mobs anymore; Chrono skills uses some quite expensive reagents too. I think the whole character is ruined. Theres absolutely no use. Since I have no dmg at all, I can farm to keep buying reagents.

Also, since i’ve left before the Rank 9 thing, I found myselft quite confused with the new classes, since they are still in rank 8 (?). Btw, what happned with Attributes? They are bought with points now? Wtf? Can someone clarify that for me?

I ask if my character is still in a viable end game path choice and if Sage2 is worth picking, since the whole build seems to have been thrown to the ground. Is there any other support builds for Wiz?

Ty in advance,

I still go to orsha and do things, i like the soundtrack there more.

Your build is still viable as a support dps hybrid. Sage skills are decent dps especially c2.

Get stat reset potion from viavora and reset to 360 spr and rest into con. Chrono skills scale with spr but cap at 360.

Get a decent weapon, do CM dailies for silver and exp. They can more than cover your chrono expenses unless you are doing miki 35 or 40f, they get pretty costly but each run is weekly or twice per weak for token user.

Attributes are way cheaper than before. 1 point is 1000 silver

New support meta is wiz 2 link 3 thauma 3 RC. It cost magic powder to use swell buffs but are cheap.

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Some questions

  • Do you still want to wiz
  • Do you still want to “support” (wiz or other class)
  • Do you want to avoid reagents completely
  • Are you open to going dps

What are the most viable end game wiz classes/builds?
I really like supporting as wiz, but since frost pillar got nerfed to the ground I dont even know if thats possible…
I dont mind reagents, but they look really annoying
I usually dont go for dps since my equipments arent that good (I have Audra and Grynas set), and support was quite good for that reason.

Also, is Wiz2-Linker3-Chrono3-Sage1 a viable option for support?

People go Link3 Chrono3/Thaum3 RC these days for a full-support build.

Pretty much this. Link 3 can still share buffs and it has a +30% matk buff. By itself link 3 already has a decent dps combo in JP and spirit shock (it also reduces enemy mdef - rare debuff). Chrono3 is still good since pass is still good (just not as good as before). Wiz 2 gained MM and thauma has a combo with that (swell left arm doubles MM damage). Finally RC has an AoE mdef debuff.

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Don’t forget Lifeline! Hehe :smiley: