Tree of Savior Forum

Need advice on my wiz

So right now my character is wiz-cryo-linker-ele-ele
And im planning to go ele 3 and for rank 7 i was originally thinking of getting linker 2. But lately i only read bad about linker +my experince with linker 1 is also not too good. When i link the party i blow myself in a second by the damage the melees recieve and joint penalty often doesnt do as i espected like hitting tree root instead of monsters or hitting monster quiet far away which are getting engaged by other player qhich also blows off my other 4 monsters even if there wer closer monsters avaible. And when i use hangmans knot most of the time 1-2 of the monster dont get stuck for the duration and destroy my combo if i try to avoid their damage…

So my question to u guys what rank 7 would u suggest me for wiz-cryo-linker-ele-ele2-ele3-?

if you linker 2 you will be a support wiz.
you can try to get your dps back with warlock.
Featherfoot for HP sustain but you might be too late.

Its better to realize you need to reroll now, than to carry on and sink more time into it.

At best you will become an elementalist-warlock that does 34% less damage than other elementalists. The one circle of cryo and linker can not be made to synergyze at all with what you currently have, or anything else you can add. Both of those classess need to be taken to c3 to really be any good (with the exception of linker, which can work at 2, but only for pesonal uses, of which you have no need of since elementalist stuff is all aoe anyway, to actually occupy a group slot ‘as a linker’ you want linker 3)

I cant see a way to make it viable even accounting for rank 8. You could potentially aim for cryo3 at rank 8, and act on the frozen mob damage bonus senergy, it wouldnt be as much dps as a wiz-ele, but it would prvide strong utility as well as decent damage. But that can be accomplished now with 7 ranks, so you would still have that useless linker rank.

You could plan out to rank10, having 3 linker as well. Finally this build starts to look alright, though its still not self senergyzing at all, and would serve basically ok in a group, but thats waiting a loooong time to get something that is not flat out suboptimal, and who knows what the game would even look like then, could be one of the rank 8 classess would be considered must-have if you are going for hybrid dps/support build.

Be a runecaster, get a buff for 300% more ice damage.

I’ve done the exaclty same build as you OP, and was already at rank 4. I decided to reroll.

Im planning on going sorc -> alchemist with this build to not waste it completely. I figure might as well make some money since the build is kinda of screwed. And also make more pots so my rerolled character can have a better time playing.

Heres the build: