Tree of Savior Forum

Need advice for viable flashy sorc build

well, i dont expect the build to superior or very high damage, but atleast can be decent at dealing damage. my old linker-shadowmancer build deal high damage but i am bored of it. elementalist skill LOOK FLASHY…

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i am just summoner, sorc2 and necro1 is must on my build. any other viable option beside sorc2-necro3? so basically i wonder what class to fill the “XX”…

Wiz>> XX >> XX >> XX >> sorc1 >> sorc2 >> necro1 >> XX >>XX

please no linker, thauma, enchanter or shadowmancer in the build, i have try it and bored of its playstyle.

or quit wizard… get the awesome bullet marker :v

Use shoggoth to spread decay and use templeshooter (missile type attacks).

Consider wiz2 - linker2 - sorc 2 - necro1 - sage2. Sage2 full charge dimension compression on linked mobs. In off-time you will be a taxi shop.

thanks for reply, its look like i will go with sage build.

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