Tree of Savior Forum

Need Advice for Linker/Chrono build

Hello! I’m trying to decide on which build to follow for my character:

  • Wiz/Cryo/Link2/Chrono3/ Link3
  • Wiz/Cryo/Link2/Chrono3/ Sage1
  • Wiz/Cryo/Link2/Chrono3/ Enchanter1
  • Wiz/Cryo/Link2/Chrono3/ (Suggestions?)

Currently, I’m at Link2, approaching Chrono1. I’m meaning for this to be a full on support character. I wanted to know:

  • What would be the pros and cons of taking Link3, Sage1 or Enchanter1?

  • Would the negation from Missile Hole outweigh the extra links from Link3 and also Lifeline?

  • Would Enchanter’s Enchant Lightning with Cryo’s freeze attribute combo be viable enough to pick Enchanter?

  • With the incoming rank reset, should I reset into Pyro1 instead of Cryo1 for duplication purposes with Sage?

  • Again with the incoming rank reset, would changing Cryo to Pyro contribute any difference, as I’m already nearing Chrono1?

  • Does Link3’s Lifeline and extra links justify picking it over Sage or Enchanter?

I would recommend to go Pyro for Sage’s duplication

Also fireballs can be linked, which is really useful when facing bosses

A few extra links won’t justify missing out on missile hole. Lifeline is another case, but It shines best with organized parties, rather than the usual random automatch. (Lifeline I guess would be great if each person in your party was dedicated fully to a single stat)

Enchanter 1 isn’t really that good. You can get enchant fire from changing to Pyro, so that’s pyro instead of Cryo+enchanter (if you go cryo chrono people expect you to go full cryo3 anyway, for crowd control).

If by “nearing chrono 1” you mean that “will the skills become useless” I don’t think that’s true to Pyro and specially Cryo, since most of the skills are utility. Then again, Fireball is as good as the amount of hits it can take and Cryo’s CC skills come at rank 3.

Do wait for other’s input. I’m not that knowledgable about later game content.

By nearing Chrono1, it meant that I’m at level 102 XD

But yes, I would feel that as you hit max level, Cryo1 or Pyro1 wouldn’t make much of a difference, considering you’re always on the backline support.

So I guess Pyro1/Cryo1 would matter in the ease of levelling?

link3 lifeline uptime++ with pass

sage = good class anyway

enchanter = not bad

What do you think about Wiz3>linker2>Chrono3? It´s a Viable build?

Would Sage’s Missile Hole be needed more OVER Linker3’s extra links AND Lifeline + Pass near constant uptime though? I do understand also that Spiritual Chain is inconvenient to keep up at all times, unless I have a coordinated party.

What would be your goal for that build though? Wiz3 supplies Quickcast and Surespell, but that would be more beneficial if you were to go for Elementalist, wouldn’t it? With that build, you could clear mobs easy with Magic Missile + Joint Penalty I assume.

Sage is better than linker3 in any ways.

If you don’t mind, could you elaborate? In what ways is it better? Does Missile Hole’s utility totally overshadow the shared stats from Lifeline? Or is it something else I’m missing?

Lifeline is useless, even with 100% uptime and not breaking it because of bad positioning/running. What stats you want to share? Vit for archer? If he dies and needs vit(also, you need to heal to 100% every time you share vit stat), means he cant play and evade attacks. Int for swordie or archer or any mage support? Spr for other classes? Only use is like if one in party goes high dex, another goes high str, then ok they 2 will get some very low damage.
Mobs deal like 3-5k dmg per hit, it will almost one shot some glass cannons in your party which have 15-20k hp, Missile Hole helps a lot then. Also, if you go cryo3 you can dublicate Frost Pillar, so it pulls mosters 2 times faster and more efficient.
Also, some high levels mobs are immune to link, thats why cryo3 is better sometimes. Also, there will be some serious buffs for cooldowns of cryo3 skills.

Ah, thanks for the detailed explanation! Now that you mention it, I do feel that sharing stats with Lifeline could be redundant, as the class that needs a certain stat already has the highest of that stat.

I don’t have a source, but I heard that high level mobs (200+) have high resistance to freeze and linking?

Only like 280+ monsters, some of them are just immune to link. There is no resistance against it. Cryo3 is better for high levels as I mentioned. Dont know about freeze, it just works fine, but it is not that important.

Ah, thanks for the info!
So in general,

  • Cryo3/Chrono3/Sage provides CC and is better for control of large group of mobs

  • Link2/Chrono3/Sage is more of offensive style support by sharing single target DPS to multiplr mobs

  • Link3’s lifeline is only good for exclusive party setups, whereas Sage’s missile hole is useful across most contents

And if Link2/Chrono3/Sage, at rank 2 Pyro provides easier levelling, and Cryo provides some CC.

Did I get this right?

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