Tree of Savior Forum

Need Advice Choosing a Build for the patch

What are the pros and cons of each


What are their pros and cons and which are good at late game soloing / farming? I am looking for a good solo build that is still useful in endgame grp content


all of it can do

For Wiz1Cry3Ele3 Rune is better than Sage for C8?

So all 3 are viable but what are each of their specialties?

even rebalanced sage still no good at dps. there skill has very long cd and weak but all has special attributes.

Wiz3ele… was factory build, old one that still good.
WizCryo3ele3rune was probably new meta with high burst of Ice blast and great buff for "hail"
and last Cryo3Chrono3 was not good at solo much… it versatility in group play like ET , Library or even in DunRush more.

In next patch all wiz class that has none dmg skill before was slightly buff (like alche dig and combustion , FF , even cyro3)

I thought about same builds to. Cryo3Chrono3Sage is old school so cool support.

Cryo3Ele3X has potential to be a good mobbing + aoe killing by it’s own.

Wiz3Ele3Wl2 is really strong too, just that due to the skill changes you don’t go for dark theurge now i think, you flip the skill points.

Ele3 Wl2 should bring more damage than Cryo3Ele3. Cryo3Ele3 though has not only damage but AoE control which can combine pretty well.

Hail was buffed?

Ok Im sort of leaning to Wiz1 Cryo3 Ele3 RC1.

What order do I get the Circles?

Technically the pure DPS among others, your role is simple just cast all spells and watch your target melt.

A bit interesting as you share control/support role, you need to play more tactical when the situation/party need you what to be. Skill rotation likely FrostPillar>FrostCloud>Prominence>Hail>MacroDimension
*since no quickcast and surespell, anything need casting will be less priority due to chaotic situation.

This build was solely born for ET-support previously, but it seem ET getting easier and the demand would be less. I have played 1 and obviously I don’t like it since it gameplay is very dull although very effective for a party.
Very difficult to level up solo especially nobody party for grind or quest, not recommend if this is your first character, or you are not using rank reset to get it.

Which between the WizEle and the CryoEle is better for soloing endgame?

Would you say Runecaster > Sage for Cryo3Ele3?

Soloing endgame… if you mean complete all quests or soloing 290 Dungeon
I think Wiz1Cryo3Ele3Sage1 due to it is more offensive/defensive balance and prominence and frostcloud quite sufficient i think.

ET party wise I still think Cryo3 is more useful than Warlock C2 in general use. But Wizard C3 also a more assured damage for Elementalist in chaotic situation include lag, fps drop and so on, unless you are very master in positioning.

But if same weapon but with Wiz3Ele3Wl2 have good enough defense gear then it will be better.

I think since IceWall and IceBlast combo nerfed, there isn’t much use of Rune of Ice, while the Rune of Justice and Rune of Destruction isn’t that good too. Rune of Giant is good but Sage’s Missile Hole and Blink still a better useful skill and I have faith for Sage C2.

lets not talk about solo , now we talk about equipment

Wi3ele3wl2 was no CC skills so you need to lure mob and tank (a bit) before you can skills , harder to solo but stronger in DPS with Good Gears.

Runecaster has Ice Enchantment Rune that *5 all of your Ice skills (except Frost Cloud) and ele3 also got buff in “Hail” so that was a points

What do you mean that wiz3 gives more assured damage? QuickCast attribute is gone. Do you mean just faster casting and surespell?

Yes, Surespell and Quickcast. I’m not considering the removed damage attribute.

Surespell is still quite useful for most Elementalist/Warlock as they have quite long cast animation, while Quickcast is for Hail/Meteor/Electrocute but they are not that main major contribution in output.

Surespell does not help at all to keep your cast animation. This skill does nothing to skills without cast bar.

If not wrong I did test this on my warlock, in a very high ping situation my mastema and poa was 2s delay. I face problem to cast it where I got interrupted, but somehow I manage to overcome it with surespell.

If your ping is not that terrible it should be difficult to notice.

Not sure, gotta retest and let you know the result.