Tree of Savior Forum

Necromancer's - Farming question

Hey everyone,
I’ve got a question regarding farming with necromancers. I’ve seen posts where people said that necromancers can farm completely afk. I just wonder about that because their summonings should dissappear after 300-900 seconds. How can they farm completely afk over night then. Do such people use macros then? And aren’t macros forbidden? Às far as I can see it is only possible to farm semi afk, because you need to recast all skills every few minutes. And without recasting all summonings will vanish over time? Or are there attributes or cards which automatically recast your skills?

Thanks for the help.


Bot or macros they might use, and if you do use it too, you are in for a nice ban.

You have to attack or cast a skill every 30 or so seconds or your summons will just stand there while taking hits, you have a high risk of being labeled as bot or macro user by doing so, specially if you don’t answer.

There are no other way to automate the process.

Thanks for the help. I already thought so.

Is the recast time exactly 30 seconds? Because it felt a little bit longer when I played yesterday. Maybe somebody else knows the exact time. Or maybe I will test it later on, when I am ingame.

The thing with beeing labeled as Bot makes me angry. Yesterday I positioned my Sorc/Necro at Demon Prison F2. I activated Controller within the UI. As following I moved to my 2nd Computer in order to watch something on Netflix while having the Controller in my hand for pressing the recast bottuns of my two most important Summonings. How can I make sure that I do not get reported by other players? Because as far as I can see they cannot recognize whether a player who does that is playing in a legal or illegal way. The only thing which would prove that people are not botting then would be that they cast their skills irregularly. Or rather that they die when they forget to press a bottun for one minute or so.

How about stopping to put your Necromancer in famous botting spots in the first place?

Blame IMC for making Necromancer/Sorcerer a 0 brain Class that gets its most damage from summons (unlike Bokor which has to manage the zombies&control them way more).
You just jumping the train and being semi-afk (watching a movie while pressing random buttons every now and then to bridge the deactivation period of summons is basically the same as using the macro,as you’re away from the game) and then asking for tips how to not get banned for it is in the dark grey zone, near to the illegal side.

Better just actively play the game.
If you don’t like your character doing nothing, why not play something else because you surely don’t seem to enjoy the game then? The game has so many different Classes which are partially not boring/interactive.


I already think that you should answer the question that was made in the post or instead of getting into the life of the guy, how he plays or stops playing is his problem.
If he wants to play with Necro and watch the movie at the same time is his right, you have nothing to do with it.
The topic here is about how long Necro’s summons last and how to cook with them.

The best option is to watch a movie or do something like that while you’re at it. Just use a self-attack every 55 seconds and re-sumom skeletons and Temple Shooter every 5 minutes.
I also advise you to buy the passive that makes the sword skeletons collect bodies use the Disinter skill every 1 minute.

And do not overhear your head with nosy players, do not answer anyone, pretend you’re a bot and watch when you open a book with a Boss, you change channels and either kill Boss … then you laugh at the Muggle who spent the book. xD

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it used to be AFK farming, until IMC decided to nerf it to the dirt with those annoying durations and minion rules…