Tree of Savior Forum


Another class I wanted to level is Necromancer. I’ve watched the videos so far and like the concept of the class (pets) only concern I have at the moment is how easy skeletons can be killed by bosses.
Another thing to note (cause I’m sure some people will give some feedback on this part) is i didn’t take the Summoners main summon on the tree, the reason for this is i don’t want to get stuck trying to balance MP usage and potions plus with the full time pet buff from the cat up and pets out that will leave me MP to “burn” during fights.
That leads me to the other reason I didn’t take the summon. Lets assume the skeletons ect die pretty fast even when Rank9 + 10 are released. Leaving the Summoners main summon off would allow me to possibly change from Necromancer to Warlock in the future. (Plus the cats buff adds to Dark Damage) So I could see that syncing pretty good.
Overall for this build i do plan to go 3 circles for Necromancer, but in the event the pets are not givin a better buff to survival I may chose to go the Warlock route.

So essentially you’re treating sorc as a futureproofing class, doing away with its dps and linker synergy altogether. If our market is the same as ktos (who knows) level 10 sp potions will be fairly accessible so that helps your sp management. Is the cat and sp regen attribute from sorc so worth it? Im curious.

Since I only plan to take Sorc to Circle one I believe it is, since I’d lack the control skills to ensure its in the fight, not to mention the lower stats it would have (being only level 5 vs say a lvl 15 skill for Sorc3). This alone makes me believe it wouldn’t be worth the SP chugging to maintain it instead of just keeping the cat pet buffs active. I could be wrong here, but it’s hard for me to say.

i agree with jongille103. sorc 1 isnt worth it as it was nerfed.
it might be better just going for pyro2 for dps.

Sorc 1 is actually still really strong as Temple Shooter is where most of Sorc’s power comes from. While having the attack commands is nice, it isn’t necessary, especially if you have other summons as well from Necro 1 and 2.

I am a bit iffy about only getting pyro 1, but if you just prefer it to make leveling easier early on I understand. It’s not like you can get by with linker 1 anymore since they nerfed it so much.

pyro1 is a wasted rank late game, but it is saved with a pyro2 somewhat
i would say rather than a summon u can’t control u should go for damage u can control, plus pyro2 is good with link2.

otherwise you could go wiz>cyro>linker2>sorc3
the point of this build is summon familiar with 8 linked targets gives 15 hits of splash damage on a grouped mob

Sorc 3 is terrible though; I wouldn’t get that until it’s confirmed they change Evocation and Desmodus. Until then, Warlock is just better overall.

Also, Temple Shooter adheres to a summoner playstyle which is kind of the point. Temple Shooter is sort of strong even when it occasionally makes bad ai choices. Surely the strongest summon to have for a summoner, and when it comes to pure summoning, Sorc 1 Necro 2 IS the best summoning mage in the department of summons.

How about Sorc 2 vs. Sorc 1 > Necro 1?

Currently Necro 1 wouldn’t offer you any of there decent summoners (Skeleton mostly here cause it got moved to Circle 2).

I’m showing Necro 2 simply so i can access there Tower and Skeleton summons, but yeah I could give up Necro 2 for sorc2 control but then I’d pretty much be playing a sorc for the summons at that point.

Is wiz > pyro 2 > link > sorc > necro 2 still good for solo?

That could be for solo yes, but again you would lack any control skills for the summoner pet. That being said you would have a bit more damage output in the way of Necro towers/Corpse toss move (forgot the name)/ and skeletons. Only drawback is the skeletons seem to die kinda fast to boss monsters.