Tree of Savior Forum

Necromancer VS. Sorcerer

I was wondering about the pros and cons of building necro instead of sorc.
Would they be better together?

Necromancer is a rank 6 class, Sorcerer is rank 5.

That means the build you make for a Necromancer can not be the same you make for a Sorcerer, even if you can think about using them together or not.

All Necromancer minions lose to Temple Shooter. aside from that you have 2 burst skills (FC + FH) that deal MUCH less damage than Warlockā€™s (which doesnā€™t even cost silver)

If you really want to know which one fits YOUR build better, just post it and ask for answers, Necro vs. Sorc is like putting Pyro vs. Kino, theyā€™re both usable for diferent purposes and can even work together, but it all depends on what your build is about.

Iā€™m trying to go for a DPS (whether sustain or burst) summon build if that helps. It seems like sorc is overall better, but when can you get the temple shooter card? Is it before you can even rank up to sorc?

Itā€™s up to you to get temple shooter before you rank up to sor

You can buy that card from other players by saving 12~15 talts. Cards are untradeable so you have to get it through /cardbattle

Templeshooterā€™s a lvl 70 (or so) world boss and she spawns at the Royal Mausoleum Workerā€™s Lodge connected by Tiltas Valley.

ā€¦This is kinda off the top of my head so I may get the level numbers wrong, Iā€™m pretty sure she spawns at mausoleum though and that she is on a 4-hour respawn timer.

As of now Iā€™m not sure if there are any world boss trackers for Tree of Savior, though I did hear a rumor (AGAIN, RUMOR) that world bosses respawn when the servers come to life, so you could probably run there to take a look. I havenā€™t confirmed this myself though since every time the server comes on Iā€™ve been away, or asleep xD

And yes - if you want sustained damage, Sorc is the way to go. But be warned, you need to get sorc 2 or youā€™ll suffer horrible AI for the rest of your days.

Edit: she* spawns. I did a quest yesterday that revealed that templeshooter is actually female. Also edited for clarity.

Sorc is more dependent on its devil for damage.
Necro has its own potent damage skills, and while also possessing a few pets of its own it does not rely on any specific 1 as strongly as Sorc does.
Finally Outside of Temple Shooter Sorc summons are fairly weak but at C2 you can use their skills (which can be fairly weak as well, if they have any).

Necro has Decay which boosts Archer damage on the enemy afflicted with the status. Sorc has its Familiar which provides up to 5 small boosts to allies.

Hi, Iā€™m a sorcerer user but I only kept it a C1 (I went to Alchemist right after) and Iā€™ve also played with several Necromancers. In general the advantage of these two classes is their solo capability, your summon tanks everything while you help it clear out the mobs.

Here are the best and worst qualities of a Sorcerer as I have experienced:

-You get it earlier than Necro.
-Summon servant is a very useful buff for your entire team, always have it at maximum level (Your SP regens like a boss when youā€™re buffed with this + bonfire)
-Templeshooter has the strongest right click attack for a card since it hits twice
-Doesnā€™t scale that bad as long as you have a heavy INT build even at C1 Sorcerer

-Summon Familliar isnā€™t that satisfying to use (No overheat, mainly single target, outclassed by Lv10 Fireball). Only really good for bosses since you donā€™t want to always approach it just to land a fireball (Had this skill at Lv4)

-Summon Salaminion is ā€˜mehā€™, I left it at Lv1 because it doesnā€™t do much damage (It deals way less damage than your boss card, in addition to that itā€™s single target) It can be a poor manā€™s meat shield though.

-AI is pretty bad right now even for a ranged boss card, getting your templeshooter to the position where it can fight while youā€™re at a safe distance takes up too much time which equates to wasted damage

-Having the boss card summoned drains a % of MaxSP (Better to go with something like 30SPR or less itā€™s much easier to sustain the drain)

Iā€™ve also been told that C2 Sorcerer is the way to go since you have more control on your Summon (You can use its skills + an even better INT scaling) but it wouldnā€™t change the fact that your own skills donā€™t improve much.

Fortunately you can also transform yourself into a devil so maybe having 2 templeshooter cards is a good idea?

I havenā€™t played Necro to give you a good background on it but based on what Iā€™ve seen and read, but this is what I know:

-Necros tend to rely more on their own skills to deal damage
-They heavily rely on corpses (Probably a pain to be a necro in a low mob density map i.e. Siauliai Missions)
-Shoggoth lasts until death/change of map BUT itā€™s only capped at level 5 making its scaling not as good as a Sorcererā€™s

Iā€™m circle 2 of sorcerer, and here the summons skills can be wonderfull (get onli 1 card rank10 and use morph to get the best damage on others), the great problem is summons drain a % fixed of you sp how u know, u can use ground atack to tank a boss on a dungeon or pull mob on the area. summon familiar is wonderfull when u has linkerc2.

im goin to be sorce C3, desmodous is a great skill with 25 sec of cooldown, so we can spam my ice pike join penalty and desmodous every time when i need it when the summon are tanking or killing other mobs

True donā€™t forget the pasive skill of sorcerer u can raise the sp recovery (but the started price is 40k silver and more in highest lvls x.x) onli i get it to lvl 15 and the sp recovery is petry faster.

What I didnā€™t say:

  • You can take Sorc 2 > Warlock, Necro > Warlock, Sorc > Necro 2 or Sorc > Necro > Warlock, all these are viable, not all are optimized but can excell at specific parts of the game.

  • Sorc and Necro should be only put together if you can afford it, you will have to keep using SP potions and Corpses portions forever, they probably cost around the same, which can be easily outdone by general grinding, but combining them is a huge cost for your silvers.

  • All Warlock skills are better than Necroā€™s and have no silver costs.

  • Temple Shooter is not that expensive, the hard part is to grind cards and get the best out of it, but itā€™s permanent, so it doesnā€™t really matter how long you take, he is awesome anyway.

  • Necro Skeletons is the only point where Necro has a skills that can overcome Temple Shooterā€™s damage but theyā€™re smashed easily and very hard to control.

  • For bursts, not taking Sorc, but taking Necro > Warlock instead is very good, you get some huge multihit skills from that and have 4 ranks to fill up with with joy.

If you want to play summoner, take Sorcerer.

Despite its name, the summoning aspect isnā€™t really the highlight of Necromancer. Necromancer is good for Flesh Cannon (16-hit low cooldown skill that suffers from cast time and being AoE ratio-based) and Decay (a debuff that boosts missile-type attacks by 100%, but doesnā€™t work on bosses)

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Saying that warlock skills are all better than necro, at least now, isnā€™t true. First the high damage skill from the warlock does itā€™s thing in a DOT format, 30 secs, like hail. Necro flesh cannon is one of the best skills in the game for damage. Has almost the same damage as that warlock skill but in just 1 second and cool down isnā€™t really large. Also necromancer has a skeleton army that isnā€™t bad.

The important thing about necromancer is the flesh cannon insane damage. The summons that help with tanking and damage. And the Decay debuff, for stronger missile attacks. The flesh cannon is AOE.

Aldo sorcerer c1 is really good just for itā€™s pet buffs alone. +damage,+ sp recovery speed,+ magic defense,+aoe ratio (5). If templeshooter makes missile attack the combo will be really good.

Warlock is nice, but itā€™s a damage over time based class.

is that bad by being a necro???
im a sorc 2ā€¦
i was exciting to be sorc2 beforeā€¦but when i get to sorc2ā€¦im not dissapointed but kinda get ā€œthis not like i was hopingā€

  • yes HOLD is a very godly skillā€¦imagine u can send your TS high base attack damage beside boss while u sit beside bonfire, enjoying the view
  • summon salamion has half damage of ts, so i combined it with my pet and my base attack to get a low decent DPS, even salamion has half damage and pet has cute damage, but at least they are damage
  • summon familiar is a very nice skill, decent damage and kinda low cd
  • riding gives you a pretty damageā€¦
  • cat buff amazing


  • when you use HOLD skillā€¦ your SUmmon will stuck there forever (until ur SP 0) like really foreverā€¦ so it kinda useless in a DG situation when u move a lotā€¦ u need to keep recast HOLD to other area (which is a waste of time), resummon (waste of SP), or morph (waste of sp and CD)
  • summon salamion has 1 target only
  • Summon familiarā€¦ actually u need a 0 SPR as sorcer, so that you can minimize the summoning SP drainā€¦ and by keep using summon familiar, ur sp drain very quickly, and thats scary
  • Riding has a nice damage but also nice SP drainā€¦ by being a sorc2 i was hoping so that i can just command my summon to do the damage, while i just base attack or even AFK a bitā€¦ and by having this skill, im getting bussier than sorc1ā€¦ i need to summon - ride - TS multishot - morph - ride - TS multishot - summon - ride - TS multi shot ā€¦ and go on and go onā€¦ so i have to say goodbye to commanding my TS while i afk or doing other thingā€¦and this move waste SP a lot (imagine by combining with casting ur familiar)ā€¦
    and furthermoreā€¦ the targetting system of TS multishot is kinda a little bit weird, as it target the closest monsterā€¦so you need extra attention on what surround you, get really close to target or facing againts the wall

i dont know if necro is better than these consā€¦coz i never played necro beforeā€¦but from forum ive read, i imagine necro playstyle is simplier than sorc but has same issue (sp pot = corpse pot)ā€¦
as necro i just need to summon, keep distance from mob/ bos, and cast flesh cannon as it off cdā€¦but i will have slightly less or even damage from Sorc summon in return (CMIIW).

i dont know the difference between TS base attack, TS skill, bats, salamion againts Soggoth, corpse tower, skele, archer skele
at damage, range, aoe, and summonā€™s survivability

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You dont need to use hold all the time reallyā€¦ I just use this for bossesā€¦

You still low level, you will have much more sp ā€¦

Necro summons are really bad, skellies have a terrible dmg comparing to TS, all other skills are useless ā€œmost part of the timeā€, shogot atk is trash, and flesh cannon is the only good skill

Yes me tooā€¦ But sometimes i need my ts to hold at one place while im running around avoiding monster or collecting enemyā€¦well then i think its about playstyle

ā€œYou still low level, you will have much more sp ā€¦ā€

Yeah i think this is correct

ā€œNecro summons are really bad, skellies have a terrible dmg comparing to TS, all other skills are useless ā€œmost part of the timeā€, shogot atk is trash, and flesh cannon is the only good skillā€

Im speechlessā€¦
What about archer skele??
Can u put 2 corpse tower beside boss and add damage??
What about dirty pole synergy with archer skele??
Shogoth atk is trashā€¦damage/ aoe/ range wise??
Because i think shogoth has same damage as TS but shogoth is single hit while ts double hit and can crit (CMIIW)

Does necro (all summon + flesh cannon)damage scale really bad compare to 1 TS

I dont mean to bash ur reply, i just really curious ^^

come on guys, we all know bokor is the king, the zombies are pretty sexy if you ask me. heres some illustrations to prove my point

(sexy doll)

You canā€™t compare sorc 2 with necro 3 ā€¦ even because sorc 2 is rank 6 and necro 3 rank 8 , this makes no sense , the thing is , we all know sorc 3 is bad, so in my case sorc 2 fits better than necro, and as I said necro 2 only have flesh canon as a good skill, I have a necro 2 lv 252 Iā€™m telling u , my sorc 2 lock1 is a lot betterā€¦

Ts have a lot more dmg than shogoth lol , pay attention to the numbers, summoning lv 10 has 1,3 x int for dmg, while shogoth max lv has 0.8 x int

during dungeons, I just hold him in some place I want him to stay then whenever we move out I go and ride him to the next and going down of ride sorta fixes the ai and makes him follow again, atleast in my case. in grinding, you donā€™t need to use hold as itā€™s a hassle.

Necromancer is better in terms of just summoning and forgetting about them until they all die and just basically resummoningā€¦ altho flesh cannonā€™s damage is better than summon familiars, in a sense that it deals 16 hits, is a true multi hit and youā€™re sure that all of it hits if the boss doesnā€™t moveā€¦ since familiars may deal much damage at lvl 15, they move too slow sometimes and just end up being knockbacked or even dying before getting to the boss.

Necromancer is playstyle friendly and flexible while Sorc is for those people who really love the class and are willing to play with its limitations even with all the bugs imc just doesnā€™t want to fix.

necro has some fun effects though like the demoralize attribute on flesh hoops lets u take hits from bosses and scary things like they are nothing and it lasts a while cause they just have to be near and not hit from hoop to apply so u can stack it for full duration of the hoop if you feel like it and decay is fun went sorc 1 necro 2 it feels really good in later ranks after necro 3 comes if we get em id totally get more ranks in sorc though

@BlueByu its fun visually but i feel more like a lord of the dead as necro than i do on my bokor these days i just blow up my zombies cant even admire the hoard :disappointed_relieved:

Im planning on pve pvpā€¦

So i take w2 kino3 nec2ā€¦

I was planning to capture enemy in raise than kill with flesh cannonā€¦summon is out there just to annoy or tankingā€¦

Thats why i choose necroā€¦

On the other sideā€¦

When i choose sorc2ā€¦and i capture enemy in Raiseā€¦then i dont have any burst attack to nuke the enemy within 10 sec other than watching my ts hopefully targetting the enemy in raise or maybe busy attacking his petā€¦

What do u think guys?

Is this post still alive? tgere were some changes with the updateā€¦