Tree of Savior Forum

Necromancer rework ! here is how!

Dear IMC…

Since you are clearly incapable to make necromancer a somehow playerable class.

Here is how:

First of all, reduce base attack speed and damge of necro summons by 30%.

Change Skill: “Gather corpse” to "Undead Rage"
Discription: Undead summons start looking for enemies, gain +2% (each point) movementspeed, +6% (each point) attackspeed, +7,5% (each point) extra Damage and knockdown/back immunity for 30s.
Cooldown 12s
Cost: Mana

Change “Corpse Tower”
"knockdown immunity, and change the attack animation into a targeted beam on ONE target hitting every 0.3s"
Cooldown: 45s
Cost Mana + 10 Corpses

Change “Flesh Strike” to "Desecrated ground"
Discriction: creates a desecrated ground dealing 420% every 0.5s for 10s"
Cooldown: 30s,
Cost: Mana and 20 Corpses

Before you complain “But dude 320-420% every 0.5s is op”…no its not its similar to frostcloud, its stronger buts its still a rank 8 class. and btw,…Necromancer is a SPR class since the rework…so low INT = less dmg.

  • because statpoints and skillpoints are limited you cant get both…summon dmg or skill dmg.
  • afk-farming is getting a big nerf and active summon-plays are getting buffed.
  • the "nerf of 30% to summons is a nerf to afk and “Undead Rage” acts as a counterbuff to active plays. Without using a bot casting “Undead Rage”, the summons are going to farm significently slower.

KNOCKBACK immunity lol man. if u hate that much just use Reflect Shield it knockback immu (but not knockdown and heavy knock down)

“Undead Rage”

KR already buff all summon so no…

Change “Corpse Tower”

it a PAIN BARRIER why always want sw skills if u don’t want to play sw

“Desecrated ground”

FC ? wat just play ele3 / even Warlock2 doesn’t strong as this skills

@micicg1988 with the upcoming changes to pet classes ( necro and sorc included ) we need no other changes atm … better we get more dmg and thats it … before imc nerfs us even more :mask:

Well like he said…
They already buff necromancer and sorcerer on KToS Version, Check the post about it, you can see someone clear dung 290 with necro/sorc quite fast.(Faster than some 5 guy player run I done…)
Honestly the only thing that was really bad was the summon… Buff them you got something pretty good and that what they done.
Also … like the post before you kinda just copy past existing spell into that.

…Finaly, our version just get update later by whatever KToS version got. I doubt they even check our forum or whatever anyway wait a big and you see sorc/necro coming back

Necro need buffs/rework but i m fine without buffs
I just want imc to totaly destroy afk-farm all of them with pets summons or blocked buttom and destroy bots that should be done long time ago

Dear IMC…

Since you are clearly incapable to make dragoon a somehow playerable class. (cuz necro is superb op)

Here is how:

First of all, increase base attack and damge of dragoon skills by 30%.

Change Skill: “Dragon Soar” to "Dragon Roar"
Discription: Dragoon releasing dragon rage and howling make all enemies around caster got damage and [Decay]
also remove “KNOCKBACK IMMUNITY” buffs
Patk 100% x 5 (with +10% per lv)
Decay for 10s
Decrease Max Hp 2% per lv
Cooldown 12s
Cost: Mana

Change “Dragontooth”
"Remove knockdown immunity buff,destroy all summon that have any buffs on it and change the charge speed to instant.
Cooldown: 5s , 5 overheats
Cost Mana

Change “Gae Bulg” to "Dragon Gae Bulg"
Discriction: Jump to that center of area and creates a desecrated ground dealing 100% every 1s for 10s, make all summon roots and make everyone that have “KNOCKBACK IMMUNITY” instant death
Cooldown: 30s
Cost: Mana

Before you complain “But dude 100% every 1s is op”…no its not its similar to frostcloud, its stronger buts its still a rank 8 class. and btw,…Dragoon is a STR class since the rework…so low DEX = less block penetration.

PM: sry for irony

did you skip math-school ?
“Desecrated ground” deals less dmg each sec compared to frost cloud…

Desecrated ground (lvl5):
420/0,5 = 840% dmg each sec

Frost cloud (lvl5):
327/0,3 = 1090% dmg each sec

Pole of Agony (lvl 10):
254/0,3 = 846,7% dmg each sec

And btw, are are idiots if you really think the ktos buffs are going to fix it…
they ara going to deal big dmg…but they are buffing afk-leveling to…so please…good luck with that ■■■■.


I do not have anything against afk farmers … on fedimian i see them very rare :smile_cat:

better great damage with afk farmers ( afk lvling ) than low damage compared to every other class in this game and afk farmers ( afk lvling ) :+1:

Correct me if, i’m wrong, but necro is used for afk farm and not summoner because his pet atk monster without the player has to atk then unlike the summoning of the summoner, at lest mine only atk when i auto something in his range or i’m attacked by something, so… couldn’t afk farming being resolve by the creation of a force defensce stance that all pet automatically goes to when the player is more then 5 mim afk, not auto-attacking anything that does’t agro the player or the pet it self.

another victim of amnottheonewiththeproblemsofuckthosethathaveit illness…

I would recommend you going to the hospital, but the doctor called saying “am not the one sick, so am not taking any patients”

and half of them and their summons where invisible cause of the zoom out >.>

@DrRM yeah i see them on fedimian too at dina bee … but you only find them most time at dina bee nothing else

on klaipeda no map is safe for what I have seen :pensive:

if more than 10 mobs spawn in 10s there is someone afk there, giving no ■■■■ if it’s obstructing a quest or ruining other players fun and progression…

most of the time is a bot, a necro or both…

necro afkers needs to get their asses kicked tbh

yo but

Frost cloud has a 45 cd and the ground skill lasts for 5.4secs

Pole of Agone has a 60cd and the ground skill lasts for 6.6secs


Your Desecrated ground that has a 30cd and the skill lasts for 10secs.

well, do the math since you’re so good at it.

Forst Cloud hits in the 5.4s 18 times. (Rank6 skill) only mana cost
Pole of Agony hits in 6.6s 22 times (Rank 7 skill) only mana cost
Ground would hit in 10s 20 times (Rank 8 skill) mana cost + corpse cost

there is your math…

and just because you are all crying like little millenials…
my idea was a suggestion.

if you are on IMC´s side to just buff the pet atk…go for it.
lets give necros even more potential to afk farm…even on higher maps…

my suggestion was about nerfing afk farming, and increase active play…
but i gues you are more into afk farming.