Tree of Savior Forum

Necromancer help

How do you build necromancer nowadays ?
i know you ends with sorc1- necro3.
does everyone go with wiz-x-linker3-sorc1-necro3 ??
anyone use psycho instead of linker ?

also any good skill distribution would help me too.

I am currently playing a Wiz1-Cryo1-Linker2-Sorc2-Necro3 and love her. Full SPR, of course.

Sorc2 is not a must; people usuall pick it for riding, but I never ride (since it usually ends in my death; I like to hide behind my summons). I use Attack Ground a lot, though, and the Familiars are useful.
Alternatives to Sorc2 are Thaum1 (since Thaum1 has an attribute that makes your summons deal 10% more damage) and Linker3. Of course Cryo3 is also an option for Subzero Shield for more suvivability, but I didn’t feel like investing two ranks for a single skill.
I really love my build and wouldn’t change it. Maybe mix the skills around a bit, based on the fact that I never use Summon Servant because of the silver cost tied to it, despite having it at max level.

This here is my current build: Link to tosneet skill planner
As I said, I would change some things (more points into Salamion, none in Servant), some skills are unused (Ice Blast, Summon Servant, Dirty Pole, Spiritual Chain) and some skills are an alternative for people who like them (Ice Wall, Flesh Strike).

As for Psychokino, I can’t answer that yet. I do want to make a Kino3-Sorc2 character next, though, but likely only toss a single level of Necro in (for the derpfaced Shoggoth; I just love that guy, he makes me laugh). Something weird like Wiz2-Kino3-Sorc2-RC-Necro1. I’m a bit scared because my survival soooo depends on Ice Pike with my current build, so I dunno how viable it will be to have no level of Cryo in. Sure, I could add one instead of a second circle of Wizard, but the idea behind the build is testing if Kino can replace Cryo.

Linker is definitely not a must; I enjoy linking simply because it makes leveling faster, but it doesn’t increase my chances of succeeding (not even in challenge mode). However, if you like to play less solo and more with others, Linker is always appreciated (especially Linker 3).

I think the classic Necro build is still Wiz1-Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro3, by the way.

Basically you want survivability/crowd-control in some way or form. Linker doesn’t provide that enough, in my eyes, as the cooldown from Joint Penalty is pretty high. Which leaves Cryo and Kino for that. From what I’ve heard - as I said, I didn’t test a Kino build yet - Cryo is better for that, as Kino has more cooldown. Kino3-Cryo1 sounds like total overkill though. :confused:

But there’s basically a lot of viable builds. Someone who tested Wiz3-Thaum1-Sorc2-Necro3 was underwhelmed, saying that the 10% more summon damage from Thaum don’t really justify taking the class, though it’s okay and a build with higher damage and less survivability, though Flesh Strike definitely does play a part in that build (since it has Quick Cast and Surespell to get that skill off safely).

In my opinion, summoner can fill in a lot of “might as well” classes since most of the damage comes from summons anyway. Therefore I would put thaum1 and sorc2 in there to increase summon’s damages. For ranks 2-3, either wiz3 for better sleep, lethargy’s strike specialty, magic shield, share sure spell, and better thaum-magic missile combo, or pyro2 for a bit of DoT/crowd control and better AA since playing sorc-necro is a bit boring imo.

So my suggested builds:

is fresh cannon/hoop that bad ? you didnt put a single point in it.
isnt fresh hoop darge surge wannabe ?

my planned build is actually wiz-cryo-kino3-sorc-necro3.
does it really overkill to have ice pike, magnetic force instead of hangman, raise and gravity pole ?
too bad it cant ride though. but with templeshooter summon, i think its better to let him shot stuff instead of riding him.

@gexmnlin13 my plan is to build something like wiz-cryo-kino3-sorc-necro3. sadly it can’t ride.
is sorc2 really needed for necro 3 ?
I will be using templeshooter as summon though

Sorry for using someone else’s thread but is full spr still the way to go? I haven’t played since last year and dunno much of the changes. Used the reset pots and made it into a necromancer.

@Naght Like I said, sorc2 and thaum1 are pretty much the “might as well” classes that increase summons’ damages. With your build, wiz-cryo-kino3, I honestly don’t think you need riding since kino has a lot of skills, so you will be busy doing DoT and crowd controlling. I personally will switch cryo with pyro because of DoT and better AA. Both cryo and pyro can combo with Psychic pressure though.

@rafael_malonzo Yes, full SPR.

I was told that Flesh Cannon/Hoop are not worth it, yeah. I never used them myself, so don’t take that for granted, but basically I picked a build that has to do with summons as much as possible. I deal basically no damage with any of my attacks anyway, might as well support my summons all the way while they do the damage instead of investing points that could go into them into attacks for myself.

As for the overkill, I cannot say. I am fine with just Ice Pike and Ice Bolt (so Cryo1), so I wouldn’t need Kino. If going the Kino-only route, I don’t know yet as I still have to build that character. You should remember, though, that your attacks will generally not deal much damage because you are full SPR. I’m pretty sure you can perfectly crowd-control with Cryo1-Kino3, but you are also missing out of summon damage by not having Sorc2.

Your plan is a perfectly viable build, though, which I could see working well. Hell, if my weird build with RC/Kino3 doesn’t work out, I might go a Kino/Cryo combination as well instead. But I personally feel like 10% damage - be it from Thaum1 for everyone or Sorc2 for your main summon - is a big thing and should come from either source for a full summoner. As I said, I don’t ride my summon, either, but I tried going only Sorc1 during the reset voucher time we had and I missed both the 10% damage and Attack Ground so much that I went with Sorc2 and gave up on Linker3.

Okay, so I made my necromancer with kino.
I dont know that necromancer uses card too.

What card is best to use for necromicon btw ?
fyi, I use templeshooter for sorc, if that even have any effect to necromicon card choice.

If you do not mind Sorcerer2’s Riding and Hold skills.
I think Wiz2-Linker3-Sorcer1-Necro3 is an excellent choice.

Grey Golem Card should be the one giving the Shoggoth the most HP. It always looks the same and does the same thing, just the stats change. It’s also a cheap card - I remember buying mine for 180k (just 1* of course). Shoggoth is awesome! I’m gonna pick Necro1 just for him.

Is the card level matter for soggoth too ?
btw,1star ironbaum card give my soggoth 220k HP. is it better than grey golem then ??

also I need some explanation about the use of dirty pole.
unlike corpse tower, looks like it cant attack ?
i don’t know if its worth a skill point


The stats don’t just depend on your card and its stars, but also on your own stats. It should not be - from what I know, Gray Golem is still best - but who knows? The only way to check would be to get a Gray Golem Card for yourself and compare.

Dirty Pole is indeed kinda wonky to use, but it can be very powerful. By itself, it makes enemies take more missile damage, so that summons like Skeleton Archers and Templeshooter hit harder. But it also has an attribute that, when it is attacked, it will give Corruption to nearby enemies and there is a very expensive, other attribute that will nullify gear of enemies with Corruption.

Which is all well and good, but the thing is: Dirty Pole is like Ice Wall, Wheel of Justice… basically, you can hit this thing yourself. Or at least your summons can because that’s basically all they do once I summon a Dirty Pole: My summons start targetting it instead of hitting the enemies. They love it just as much as they love Tree Crystals, rushing at it while I can stand there and die.:stuck_out_tongue: Because of that, I basically never summon Dirty Pole.

That all said, I made my Psychokino-Sorcerer now and so far, I find Heavy Gravity extremely useful and the rest far, far below what a Linker-Cryo combination offers. Magnetic Force is like a poor man’s Joint Penality/Hangman’s Knot without the damage share. Heavy Gravity is like a more powerful (but not very powerful, since full SPR) Ice Spike that doesn’t work as long. And I am seemingly too stupid to use Gravity Pole without dying from standing too long in one spot. I am still only Sorc 1 and was in Demon Prison until now, where enemy spawn is pretty mad, though, so I will see how it goes in Alemeth, Cranto and Kalejimas, but as it is right now, I can’t say that I’m too thrilled by Psychokino on a SPR-summoner build. I am, however, pretty certain I would really enjoy the class on an INT character.

Wiz1/Pyro2/Thm2/Sorc1/Necro3 (Fun build plus with the addition of Thm2 u can get an attribute to increase all summons def/magic defense by 50%) This is nice especially for dungeons and solo/group farming since u do not have to spam the resummon much. Pyro 2 is simply for the aoe spells like Flame Ground and Fire Pillar, you can even toss in Flare just for a little extra damage since full sp build its not like we’ll run out of mana anytime soon.