Tree of Savior Forum

Necro suggestion

After playing necro I would like to give a few suggestion.

  1. There should be a corpse tracker on the screen at all time. For example, ?/300 by portrait or bottom of the screen so I will know when to conserve corpse and when to throw corpse at monsters. It’s by no mean a buff to the class but it will be a nice addition during game play. I found myself not knowing corpse count and click summon shaggoth (with 0 corpse count) and have to wait another 4 minutes to summon (yes I know you can click necronomicon to check corpses count).

  2. Further improve AI of the summon. I know this will eventually be tackle due to bigger problems from other class so no hurry.

A. skeleton/shaggoth get stuck sometime ie stairs/certain spot (a problem well known and reported).
B. skeleton/shaggoth does not follow its master after aggro on monster, its hard to be a necro when your summon does not follow you and attack monsters 2 blocks away or just frooze next to the monster.
C. shaggoth have a small aggro range compare to skeleton (not sure if its intended) but sometime I found myself getting attack by monster and shaggoth just stood there until I pull monster in aggro range (shaggoth also get lost/stuck much more than skeleton). For those 2 reason, I shy away from spending precious corpse to summon shaggoth except for killing boss.

I think the most simple way to fix most of the AI problem is to introduce a command that “regroup” summons around the master.

Thank you for your time.


Yeah and if our necromancer summons would not attack stupid boss traps and actually attack the boss, that’d be great imc :smiley: